Highway to the Danger Zone

Good times at the Mighty Jungle today.  Was a little humid, but we didn't let that stop us. 


Mosey around the parking lot with a little karaoke, high step, and butt kickers.

Circle up for some SSH, IST, WindMill, Toy Soldier (or Sailor as Goat put it), and Cotton Pickers all x15 IC. 

Got a little bit of stretching and some arm circles in before heading over the pull up bars for…

The Thang

10x Pull Ups or Chin Ups (Pax Choice).  10x squats.  Repeato

Mosey around the parking lot for a little Navy Physical Readiness test.

AMRAP Merkins all the way to bump chest to partners fist.

AMRAP sit ups, partner holds feet, hands on shoulders, elbows touch thighs.  

Mosey over to the steps, bunny hop up.  Repeato, repeato. 

Mosey to the drop off circle.  Bear crawl up, mosey down while partner squats.  Switch and repeato. 

Mosey down to Copperhead hill.  Quadraphilia up, 10x Carolina Dry Docks while partner does LBCs.  Switch and repeato. 

Mosey back up the hill to "the Wall".  Hop up on wall, 5 squats, hop down, bear crawl to opposite curb, 5x merkins. Mosey back to wall then repeato, repeato. 

Hippie gave us a ten count to catch our breath ,then…

Mosey over the other wall.  Partner one takes a quick lap around the parking island while partner 2 has a seat on the Peoples Chair.  Switch and repeato. 

Mosey up to grab a cinder block.  10x IC low curl, chest press, lawn mower, overhead press, high curl, block swings, skull crusher, full curl, and another set of chest press.  Put the cindies away. 

Mosey back the starting spot for a quick 


15x count Low flutter, World War 2 Sit-ups OYO, and LBCs.

A little stretching and planking right before

Recover, Recover. 


Always a pleasure to lead these fine men.  Sign up and Q!  Strive for once a month, maybe more.  It's not really that hard, and everyone gets to have that much needed leadership experience.  Nice job on Hippie for calling me out on not being on my own cadence during the Skull Crushers.  Got a bad elbow that feels like it's going to pop out of socket when I do those, but the triceps need the workout.  Olaf gets the "AFTERBURNER" award for leaving a smoke trail during the laps at the People's Chair wall.  "I'll pay for that later" he said. But we all reap the rewards for coming out into the gloom! 
