Hill of Weakness

Greetings and Salutations

This morning, 14 HIM, headed to the hill of weakness. A hidden message in today’s workout was about having weaknesses, knowing where they exist, and helping one another to overcome and achieve. The count was impressive, possibly the warmer conditions brought a few out from under the covers. Welcome back Venus, School Bus (toot toot) and Wildthing who needs to get on here!.



20, ok 5, ok 2 IC ISW ugghh let’s just do 20 IC Squats, then


R over L, L over R

14 IC Merkins

Since there are 14 PAX in attendance, we will complete 14 of each exercise today. On our mosey to the bank (NCSECU) Q mentioned that every car that passed us was our multiplier, YHC counted four, which would have made one heck of a IC count…left that alone.

The Thang

Mosey to NCSECU and head to the “Hill of Weakness”, which is a commanding, wet, and often sled upon hill…once snow decides to blanket the area. Today’s conditions were just that, wet and in some spots muddy, awesome.

Everyone to the bottom for directions.

Q explains that the workout is not just focused on the individual PAX but all PAX. We will complete several rounds of hill climbs, in different forms. Once a PAX is unable to travel any further they stop as the others continue. The first PAX to the top is our timer, who brings everyone back to the six. Once in formation we continue to the top. If a six halts, the lead brings everyone back again. We continue until everyone is at the top.

Upon returning to the bottom of the hill, walk down for recovery, we will complete 14 IC of something.

Trips up went like this:

Broad jumps


Karaoke Right

Karaoke Left


Backwards walk

Bear crawl ½ way up to marker (PAX), go around and crawl bear down. Complete one PAX at a time, plank while you wait.

Frog jumps

Exercises at the bottom went like this:

14 IC Merkins, 14 IC SSH, 14 IC LBC, 14 IC Merkins, 14 IC SV (facing the road, got a honk!)

Mosey to the wall behind the bank, on Closers time complete a one minute wall sit with air presses (Abrams style), turned into about two minutes…Closer!

Find a spot on the curb complete OYO 14 Mike Tyson’s, a merkin followed by a horizontal squat into the curb.

Mosey back to launch pad and plank for six

Mosey down to track for a few laps. The first 400 went down like so: 1st 100 backwards, 2nd 100 skip, 3rd 100 mosey, last 100 sprint.

Next 400 Indian run with 6 completing a burpee.


15 IC Jane Fonda’s on the left

10 IC Jane Fonda’s on the right, Q called out for missing 5, let’s do more 5 IC Jane Fonda’s on the right. C# cannot complain about on leg being stronger than the other.

15 IC Flutter kicks

15 IC Low Dolly


We all have weakness. Weakness can come in many forms and fashions, it can be physical like we experienced on the hill. There is spiritual weakness too, YHC only found Jesus last year when he found F3. Furthermore, there can be weakness in work or your profession. Maybe there is a skill, tool, concept, model, competency that you’re lacking to reach peak performance. Obviously, this is not an all-inclusive list of weaknesses or areas of weakness, but we can all agree none of us are free from weakness.

Regardless, there is help. Today, on the hill, the routine was centered on never leaving anyone behind. It is okay not being the strongest, fastest, smartest, richest, etc. There is something, yes something inside each of us that we struggle with. Do know, though, there is always someone there to help. If you were standing on the hill and couldn’t move anymore, there were 13 HIM coming for you. More importantly, you were helping everyone understand that there is a need to help.

Like YHC, finding F3 last May unknowing what to do when it came to the 3rd F, there was a plethora of help, and hands on my back to help guide me along. Those same hands will help you up a hill, will help you change a tire, do a pull-up, move a piano, cut down trees, give you a ride, watch your kids, buy you coffee, hold a door….buy you your first bible. Take a minute and reflect on what’s really important.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10New International Version (NIV)

9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


Great mumble chatter this am, starting with the warm-up when only the Q knew how to do an ISW, yes only the Q.

The 14 IC SV (U) on the hill, facing the always busy Hwy 73 provided a nice honk from a mid-90s mini-van, tan in color, occupied two times.

A lot of chatter on the hill, Q tuned it out as he was trying to catch his breath from running up the hill. Please provide your feedback in the comments.

Would like to, again, welcome back School Bus, Venus, and Wildthing. 

