Hill runs and Ice Capade laps

Event Date

Jul 22, 2024

Five had fun at Mustang under the threat of a little rain. Didn’t matter much since humidity had everyone in a sweat-fest before long.



15 IC side straddle hops

10 IC cotton pickers

10 IC storm troopers


Mosey to front of the gym

Split into A and B teams

A runs up the hill

B does the exercise

Swap and repeat

(to the best of my recollection)

Round 1

Run up

Incline merkins

Round 2

Run up


Round 2

Run up

Wall sits

Round 3

Quadraphelia up


Round 4

Sprint up the hill / WALK back

Child’s pose

Round 5

Run up


Let’s move to the loop by the flag pole.

Since some of us are a little slower than others, we’ll do some mosey laps trying to keep everyone together in a horizontal  line as we go around. So the faster guys to the outside and the slower guys to the inside.

For you older folks, there was an ice show in the 70s and 80s called the Ice Capades (like escapades – but on ice). One part of show was where a large line of lady skaters had to make circles around the rink with the inner-most skaters barely moving and the outer ones sprinting just to keep up.

Therefore I deem these:

Ice Capade laps

These turned into MathCapades when, for some reason, Iron Horse needed to know the average age of the five of us and we realized we were incapable of performing the calculation while running.

After several laps of trying learn more about our FNG (and he about us), we did a reverse parking lot lap back to launch pad for



20 IC low flutters

5 IC Dr W


Proverbs 27:17

As Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

NAME-O-RAMA / Prayer out


  • FNG-1 showed for his second workout after coming on Saturday. Shannon Glidden hails from the Verdict Ridge area. After learning about where he’s from and where he’s been, his personal life, where he works and all that stuff, the Q decided we would just play off of his last name for his F3 name. So welcome to Dutch Boy!!
  • Nice efforts by all.
  • Iron Horse rocked the vest, as usual.
  • ShakeWeight amused us by running at our speed for the most part.
  • Dutch Boy held his own and showed that he will not be spending much time running with the six. He’s gonna get faster quickly.
  • And as for me and C#, we’re still the six – but we were out there – both of us because someone else (actually multiple ‘someone elses’ ) held us accountable and pushed for a commitment to be there. That’s what today’s verse (which I actually forgot to include during COT) is all about.
  • As always, it is an honor to “lead” and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.
