Hill work at #Gladiator

Today 10 men entered #TheArena to build strength, speed, power, and stamina.  Were we successful, come to the next #Gladiator on learn for yourself.  But, for now you can read about it and dream of the day you to experience glory!

Warm…I mean HOT-o-rama

Mosey through parking lots by the following matriculation:

  • Slow mosey
  • Kareeoka – tiny step
  • Back pedal
  • Power skip


  • SSH x 50
  • Cotton Picker x 10
  • Yoga strech
  • Toy Solider x 10
  • Blast off 'merican x 10

Now for your work…

Mosey to back of St. Mark School and hill on Stumptown Rd.

  • Ladder
    • Run to top of hill, 1 Burpee
    • Run to bottom of hill, 10 Jump Squats
    • (1-5, 5-1)
    • Break w/ low flutter until all of PAX is through 5
    • Finish 6-10, 5-1
    • Break w/ hand release 'merican x 10

Mosey to parking lot entrance to school

  • People's chair + air press x 15
  • Quadra-feel-ya up hill, 10 squats
  • Run to bottom of hill, 6 extendo 'mericans in cadence
    • Extendo 'merican = begin with normal 'merican position, down then up then move right hand outside of shoulder width, down then up then move right hand out to full extension, down then up and bring hands back to regular.  repeato with left arm.
  • Quadra-feel-ya up hill, 8 squats
  • Run to bottom of hill, 10 lat pull over with leg raise
  • Quadra-feel-ya up hill, 6 squats
  • Run to bottom of hill, 8 peter parker 'mericans
  • Quadra-feel-ya up hill and back for Mary

The Salute

1. Great job by all today including our two bookends, Hacksaw and Little Ben.  Strong encouragemetn by the PAX with a never give up attitude!

2. Good to see Olive in da Gloom, keep posting brotha…good for the soul.

3. Always a pleasure to lead this group and to start our day with shaper body, mind, and soul!!