Hills and Rocks

Event Date

Feb 04, 2020


5 of LKN's strongest plus one pup met up for a beatdown at Viking… here is their story.

5:00- The Standard

YHC was all alone as the clock changed from 5:00 to 5:01 so i fought the urge to chill in the car and went out on a run. The plan was to do a mile out and a mile back but I ended up getting in the "Standard" 3 miles in. When I got back to launch Hippie was running back in as well doing his own standard.


Jersey Boy and Fescue were ready and waiting by the time we finished our runs, Boarhog showed up just in time with his pup and away we went.


  • Warm-a-rama
    • SSH x 20IC
    • IST x 15IC
    • TS x 10IC
    • CP x 10IC
    • Windmill x 10IC
    • Mosey to baseball fields
  • The Thang
    • ?Start at bottom of hill behind the baseball field
    • Run up the hill– 10 Squats OYO
    • Crawl Bear down the hill– 10 Mericans OYO
      • Repeato for a total of 10 Rounds (100 of each exercise total)
    • Mosey to rocks by tennis courts, grab a rock and move to tennis courts
      • Curls
      • Shoulder Press
      • Skull Crusher
      • Bent Over Row
        • Round One x 10IC run to last tennis court and back in between each exercise
        • Round Two x 15IC run to second tennis court and back in between each exercise
        • Round Three x 20IC run to first tennis court and back in between each exercise
      • The 21
        • Curl up Halfway x 7
        • Curl from Halfway to top x 7
        • Full Curl x 7
      • Return rocks and mosey back to launch
    • Mary
      • ?LBC x 20 IC
      • Low Flutter x 10 IC
      • Low Dolly x 10 IC
      • Jane Fonda x 10 IC Each Leg
      • High Plank + leg raises x 20 IC
      • Pigeon

Recover Recover




  • Thank you Fescue for the opportunity to lead, Viking is a great AO make sure you sign up to Q!
  • Viking will be converging next week AT GLADIATOR for the Week of Olive!
  • T-claps to Jersey Boy for taking the Q last week at Bailey Road Park and even though no one else showed up he did what he called one of the hardest beat downs he's thought of!
  • Great work by all PAX this morning!

Unitl next time……. Mr. H