Hills are better in the rain

Event Date

Aug 03, 2023

AM-PM met me for a standard. When we got back to the parking lot we were met by Greyhound and were off.

Mosey a lap around the fields. Quick warmorama of SSH, IST, toy soldier, slow windmill, carrot puller, followed by some stretching. 

10 minutes of every minute on the minute. PAX have 1 minute to complete 6 burpees and 10 WW2S. Repeato for 5 rounds. Next 5 rounds are 10 merkins, 10 LBCs, 10 Squats for 5 rounds. 

Mosey to the wall by the hill. 30 seconds of peoples chair, 30 seconds of air press, 30 seconds of touch them heals. Run to the bottom of the hill for carolina cry docks, slow squats, WW2s. Mosey back to the wall and repeato the above.

We got a 3rd round of peoples chair, air press, touch them heals. Then moseyed another lap around the field and finished with a mobility moment. Recover, recover

Great work all around this morning. Plan originally was to get the hill in a 3rd time but time didnt allow. PAX got just under 2 miles with a good amount of reps. Prayers for Greyhounds step-mom and AM-PMs dad. Plenty of opportunities to donate time or money to the Hope House fundraiser on 8/12. DM Possum for more details. Thanks AM-PM for letting me Q today and thanks Greyhound for taking us out.