Hills are our Friends

Event Date

Dec 16, 2017


8 PAX arrived at a warm SVU to learn that hills are our friends.  Not enemies.


10 IC Cross Country Skiiers

10 IC Tony Hawks


10 IC Toy Soldiers

Arm Circles

Hill are our Friends:

Mosey to the back – Grab blocks – Mosey back to front

Block Hill Suicides:

Run w/ block to first mailbox on the Big Hill, leave your block; run back to AO

Run back to your block, bring it to the next mailbox; run back to AO

Repeat suicides until your block finds itself at the top of the hill. 

Block Mosey back to AO

Partner Up, 1 block per team

Block Mosey to bottom of Sailview Dr. Big Momma Hill

Round 1:

Partner 1 – Runs Big Momma

Partner 2 – Block Curls

Round 2:

P1: Big Momma 

P2: Skull Crushers

Round 3: 

P1: Big Momma

P2: Block Bent Rows

Round 4:

P1: Big Momma

P2: Shoulder Presses

Round 5: 

P1: Big Momma

P2: Block Squats

Partner Block Mosey back to AO

Return Blocks

Round 6:

P1: Lake Trail Loop

P2: Max Pull Ups/Max Dips (Repeat until partner arrives)



15 IC Box Cutters

10 IC Freddie Mercury

10 IC Stranded Turtle

:30 Mason Twist


As I have been going through a job change as of late, I was preparing for interviews when I came to the part where you think/prepare for the question around your weaknesses.  Later on that day, I heard a song about how God is strongest where we are the weakest.  We concentrate so much on our weaknesses. Well, God knows where each of us are weak, and he intentionally puts people in our lives who are strong in those areas.  It's good to know your areas of weakness, however the answer is not always that YOU have to get stronger in them. 


 – Good to see Shredder at another Saturday workout, AND as a registered user on the website !!

 – Metrodog was FULL of compliments about my workout plans.  He actually said that he loved the format, and that more would be coming on Tuesday #fakenews

 – Vortex gave me compliments on my tights today.  You are welcome for the eye candy.

 – Cheetah blistered the suicides, hill repeats and basically everything as usual.  

 – Shirley didn't get the call to work, so he put in work with us

 – Mulligan decided that being in the doghouse all weekend with the M for posting was worth the beatdown (He may not be back for awhile)

 – Abrams is very possesive of his block.  I think he got mad at me when I asked if I could carry it for a bit.  

 – Hills are our friends.  Just keep repeating that.

 – Mustang brought cake and much chatter to coffee.  Spork EH'd everyone who walked in the door.

 – Honor to Lead and be Led by you gentlemen