Hills & Burpees at FKT

Event Date

Apr 19, 2022


0510Bunch of #Standards out there.  Not I so can't vouch for who all showed.  

0530: DonHo was quite worried we weren't going to get started on time, but as the clock struck 0530, away we went.  


  • Easy run to what I'll call #HollywoodHill.  I'm sure it has an F3 name, but I don't know it.  #HollywoodHill is located on the greenway beside the Birkdale movie theatre.  It's short, but it sucks.  


#BurpeeLadder goes like this.  0 at the bottom, 10 at the top REPEATO 1 at the bottom, 9 at the top REPEATO 2 at the bottom, 8 at the top…and so on and so forth until you get to 10 at the bottom and 0 at the top.  In total 100 (or as Jobe quietly pointed out, actually 110) burpees and 10 trips up #HollywoodHill.  For the #FKT part 1 – SwingState crushed everyone

Hoodie pointed out we weren't even 2/3 of the way through the workout.  

Mosey down to the other side of the greenway pond for a couple of quick runs and a WW2 ladder up Camberly hill to the Pennington intersection.  10 WW2's at the bottom and top.  Then 5 WW2's at the bottom and top.  SwingState, DonHo and Ducky (I think) won #FKT section 2.

Close it out with a run back to the AO.  

Total run 4 miles (ish), 110 burpees and 45 WW2's.  SwingState got in a bunch of stretches while waiting on us to finish #HollywoodHill


  • Fairily confident that's my first #FKT Q.  Gotta say it was actually fun.  I thought of 2 places I hate…the Camberly Hill (end of Lego10K) and #HollywoodHill always sucks.  Today we owned it.
  • No idea where Auto went, he bailed on Camberly and took the short route back to the AO but got there after us.  I believe a stop at Starbucks was involved
  • SwingState is a monster.  Not sure I've ever been passed twice on a 20 min workout counting to 10
  • Always great to see half of the #BeckettCrew.  Wondering if we'll ever see BC again?
  • Slingshot was quietly crushing it, apparently he's really good at hills
  • Hoodie has an FKT Q coming up post #Masters, or to celebrate the #PGAChampionship…either way it's burpees and hills, or neck rolls in honor of BC
  • The wheel is back…what pre-recorded video will DonHo pick this time?
  • Thanks to Frodo for letting me Q, FKT always sucks but is so much fun!


