Hills n Thrills

Event Date

Jan 21, 2020

It was cold. We all knew it would be cold. And yet there we were at 0530, gracing the porch of the Summer's Walk clubhouse anyway, ready for a little fun and, hopefully, no frostbite. Fairy Godfather in particular looked like the a cross between the Michelin Man and Randy from the Christmas Story. You know who I mean. "I can't put my arms down!" He was the smart one, though. I digress.

After reading the disclaimer and waiting the customary 20 Side Straddle Hops for Sparknut to arrive late we started our…


SSH x 20
Lap around green
Second lap around green doing active stretches (butt kickers, high knees).
I had a fast paced workout in mind. Nothing too crazy, just not a lot or rest involved. Straight from the lap around the green we continued our Mosey to the front of the neighborhood.
Partner up
Counting up to 100/200/300 Mericans Squats LBCs with Partner (timer) running 25 yards to lightpost and back.
Mosey to Summer’s Hill
Monkey Humper/Bobby Hurley ladder to 10
Mosey back to clubhouse for more Mary.
Again, nothing fancy here, but we hit our legs hard and didn't give ourselves much rest. By the end it didn't feel cold after all!
Prayers for the unexpected death of a PAX's sister in law, for stressful work conditions, and for giving God glory and love in the midst of both good times and bad times. Always a pleasure leading you men!
–Chicken Noodle





