Hills or Blocks?

Event Date

Jun 27, 2023

I’ve been slacking and having a Q always gets me going again. I am thankful for the opportunity to lead.

Warm up

Take a lap around the cars as we wait for Amen. Run to the school entrance. 

SSH, Windmills. Carrot pullers hillbilly’s,

1st thang

  • peoples chair with seal claps 10IC
  • praying mantis 10IC
  • Muhammad Ali 10IC
  • Run a lap around the island
  • Threepeato increasing by 5 each time.

On your six for 10 WW2’s, Freddy, and JLO

This is where the Pax were given a choice of Hills or Blocks. It was unanimous to do blocks

2nd Thang

Run to blocks and pick your favorite. Then remember they are all extra heavy due to the rain. 

Line up facing to the islands. 5 reps of exercise,  run to first island and back, 10 reps run to second island and back, 15 reps run to third island and back. Repeat until everyone has called an exercise. They went something like this:

  • Curls
  • skull crushers
  • overhead press
  • deadlifts
  • lawnmowers
  • curls (for the girls this time)

Put blocks away, 5 pull ups on your way back to the cars. We passed around Mary to everyone and ended promptly at 6:16.

It was sweaty and tough, but I feel better because of the men I was with today. See you next time. 

-Hot wax