Hillside Ring of Fire

Warm Up

R over L

L over R

Arm circles

15 IC Cotton pickers

10 OYO Punch-up Merkins  In plank position punch straight ahead with right arm 10x then complete merkin, rinse and repeat for left arm.

10 OYO Captain Thor’s sit up with 4 American Hammers

The Thang

Parking lot resistance run. Partner up arms on shoulders facing each other and go up hill, man being pushed provides resistance. Once at top go PAX pair goes back to back man facing downhill provides resistance. Repeat so 2nd PAX can feel burn.

Mosey to curb.

10 IC Mike Tysons – plank with feet on curb, complete merkin then squat into curb.

Mosey back up to curb and Rocky Balboa for 1 min….curb kicks

Mosey to pre-determined field for Ring of Fire, or actually “Hillside” fire. PAX were shocked to round the corner and see the Q had been out early to place flags and signs which named the exercise. All work to be completed on the hillside.

Split group into equal numbers. 8 pain stations spend 1 min per doing as many possible, followed by a 10 sec rest.

  1. LBC
  2. Squats
  3. Flutter Kicks
  4. Punch-up merkin
  5. Captain Thor’s a sit-up then 4 American Hammers
  6. Mountain climbers
  7. Sprints
  8. SSH



Closer, Sonar, Blaze, Abrams, C#, Clubber (Q) were called to lead an IC exercise. Abrams won best of show with modified Flutter Kicks, adding an air press during IC 20. Q received much chatter for the Double Wide Merkins (Trailer Park Merkins)


Spoke about current events in America, and the need to always be prepared. Prepared is more than fitness and physical strength. Prepared is obtaining, having, critiquing, and implementing all 3 Fs’ in everything we do. Watch your six, head on a swivel, “stay groovy”.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.


Q asked for chatter, as he is the one usually providing mumble during posts. Q received chatter very quickly during warm-ups. After a 600m mosey to the baseball field, the PAX noticed Q had come out at 6:00am for some pre-work, and setting up the hillside with flags and signs.

Blaze was our guest from Lincolnton today (unable to attach to PAX list). Blaze has been posting at Lincolnton since the intital post, great work brother! Blaze and Q go way back, so for some reason the chatter was greatest from him. Poor Double Check…punishment for the talk was an audible on their station, instead of Flutter Kicks, Quadraphilla was called. A few 2.0s decided to do a 10 count, when Q asked for Dutch to call it…Quadraphilla was the 2.0s punishment.

After three posts we have been able to land on name for FNG-Josh Sweeny, we dub the "Tourque". Tourque brought his 2.0 who was able to recite Star Wars lines, and even had a Storm Trooper shirt on, we dub thee "Chewy". Followed by Chewy giving us the Chewbacca yell. We need to get them to setup accounts. 

After reflection, announcements, and prayer, C# called the group back in, and preceded to present a brand new ESV Study Bible to the Q, with F3 Nation “Clubber” engraved. Non-stop TClaps brothers! This is the Q’s first bible, and he intends to wear it out. Again, it’s more than fitness. F3Counts!

A pleasure to lead, and happy to get my 2nd Q under the belt. I look forward to my next post, and my next Q.
