Hillway to Hell – F3 style

Event Date

Mar 15, 2016



Pick any bad 70s or 80s movie or song title you want to relate to how much fun it is to do hills…I chose a spin on an ACDC song "Highway to Hell".  But this one was "Hillway to Hell".  11 men joined for what turned out to be a great morning beatdown.  

Started with the warmup on the Green.

Mosey to a brutal hill in Davidson and start the fun.

  • Top of the hill – 5 SC merkins
  • Run down 1/2 way – 5 SC decline merkins
  • Run down to bottom – 5 SC wide merkins
  • Backward run up to 1/2 way – 5 SC incline merkins
  • Run to top
  • Repeat using ladder style counts – 10, 15, 20, 15, 10, 5
    • FYI…this amounts to 320 SC merkins all total!!!  All in about 15 – 20 minutes.  AYE!!
  • 15 squat jumps…just for good measure
  • 5 SC merkins…because the first 320 just weren't enough!!

Mosey to LKN Christian School for next round of fun.

  • 5 pullups
  • 5 dips
  • 15 seconds of the people's chair
  • Repeat using counts of 10 and 15 for the pullups and dips, maintain the 15 count on the chair

5 minutes of Mary (LBC, Hello Dolly, Heels to Heaven)

Mosey back to the Green for COT