“Hippie Tour of Old Cornelius”

Event Date

Dec 30, 2021


YHC enjoyed Hippie's Fission Q a few weeks prior that he decided to "borrow the route" and mix in a few pain stations along the way.  YHC will call it the H.T.O.C.  (Hippie Tour of Old Cornelius).  Strava shows 1.98 miles (not Canuck friendly with a full 2 miles but we'll take it)

Route and workout was essentially as follows:

Mosey to the back of Harris Teeter to "Grassy Knoll" for disclaimer and warm-up

  • SSH X 15 IC
  • IST X 15 IC
  • Toy Soldier X 15 IC
  • Long Snapper x 10 IC
  • Donkey Kick X 10 IC
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Good Morning Stretch with demo by Moses

Mosey around Harris Teeter towards Catawba, cross Catawba to Town Hall. 

  • Merkin ladder starting with 1 up to 8 with 2 flights of steps in between
  • Rocky Balboa X 20 IC on curb.

Mosey around Food Lion down Pine Street, right on Church street continue to Picnic Shelter next to American Legion baseball field

  • using picnic tables, Dips X 15 IC
  • incline merkins x 10 IC
  • alternating step ups x 10 IC

Mosey to rock pile near baseball field across from Amercian Legion bldg

  • rock curls x 10 IC
  • rock presses x 10 IC
  • rock squats x 10 IC

Mosey up Church Street to Hwy 115, right on 115 to Tire Doctor

  • Diamond Merkins x 10 IC
  • WWII push ups x 10 IC   

Cross 115 to Habitat Store continue mosey 115 North to Barley Market for a little mobility

Mosey back to starting point Harris Teeter Parking Lot


  • YHC considers it a priviliege and honor to lead the F3 PAX in the gloom.
  • Titan not feeling well but stuck it out and still had impressive mumblechatter, continually causing YHC to lose focus on counts
  • Awesome seeing Frazier at Fission (EH from Moses)
  • Moses sporting a very cool racing-type F3 jersey
  • Special thanks to Hippie for the route which appropriately named "Hippie Tour of Old Cornelius"
  • Possum references made a few times by Bijioux and Moses when passing dumpsters
  • Rattlesnake reference by Bijioux when picking rocks from rock pile
  • Awesome coffeeteria enjoyed by all at Dunkin Donut, debriefing on holiday family visits and goal setting for 2022
  • Jersey Boy mentioned an interesting dilema regarding Churros he recently had with his son and a friend and a type of "what would you do" situation on confronting the manager for confusing pricing.
  • Noticibly missing were Goat (Duty Calls), Waffle House, and Hippie, we missed and love you guys!


Thank you everyone for coming out
