Hippie’s a bad man

We started with the typical disclaimer, whereupon I informed the Pax of my plan to extract as many Q commitments as possible by basically being an A hole.  I was promptly reminded that everyone was there volunteerily and had to soften my approach.  Then it seemed normal good will in the spirit of F3 kicked in (mostly).  Outlaw commented that my despicable demeanor hardly seemed out of place.  Thanks guys.


We banged out a usual warm up (SSH, MTN climbers, Merkins (15 IC) and some IST).  We embarked on a run along the front side the main st of retail hitting the stairs stopping to do 15 Merkins IC twice.

We found our way, after much mumble chatter (I swear Smores and Kingfish were there), to the front of the BBQ placed called Smoke where some of the Pax implied that Smoke was a familiar practice of mine.  A took no offense, but began my sinister and systematic means to extract "commitments" from the Pax.  After more Merkins (15 IC), then Squats (15 IC) we started with wind sprints. 

Took a break with low flutter, low dollie then roared into sQuats then Merkins (pattern).  More windsprints then we headed to the ramp where we People's chaired with air presses, then…Low Flutter, Low dollie, Squats and Merkins.  Partnered up for alternate run (up ramp and down stairs) while other performs 100 CDD's.  Repeato with 200 LBC;s. 

Two more windsprints to the other end of Birkdale brought more commitments.  Toxic impersonating several folks volunteering  actually encouraged the impersonated person to sign on for a day.  He's getting his commission check next week.

We wrapped up with some Mary.  Of course, Snake Eyes provided a hearty rendition of Shoulder Touch Merkins, LandLine with the Dying Cock Roach, DieHard gave us the Crunchy Frog and Toxic wrapped it with some strange butt tightening elbow plank.  Not sure why we had to point our hands out? 

It was a fridged morning, but the commraderie kept us going.  Thanks to all the guys who "volunteered" and especially to those who will be leading their first Q.  Amen has shown interest as well.  It's really important to Q to be fully part of F3.  Any experienced Q would be happy to tag team.  ONce you've done it once, it's a breeze. 


Q commitments from Kid Rock, The Geek, Outlaw, Snake Eyes, Landline, Diehard, Tagless, Magnus and Toxic

OUtlaw is spearheading a book club this coming Monday at his place;  the book is "Get it On" by Keni Thompson..