History Lessons and Pain Stations

11 total PAX, including 2.0’s Face Plant (Tantrum), Point Break (Outsource) put in a strong morning's work at the Estate exercising their bodies and minds with some Tagless trivia from his four years in F3.


·         Warm-up mosey lap with High Knees, Butt-Kickers and Karoki

·         SSH x 25 IC, Cotton Pickers x 10 IC, Imperial Storm Troopers x 15 IC, Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

THANG – Pain Stations with Tagless History Trivia

After each station YHC would ask a question from his F3 history the past four years. All questions with multiple choice answers. Correct answers moved PAX to next station; incorrect answer would result in repeato.

·         Mosey to play ground and find some curb.

·         Shoulder Dips x 10 IC / Incline Merkins x 10 IC / Shoulder Dips x 10 IC / Decline Merkins x 10 IC

·         1st Trivia – PAX correctly identified Mighty Jungle as the AO of YHC’s very first post.

Mosey to hill near track

·         Bear Crawl to top of hill / 10 burpees OyO / mosey to bottom of hill / 10 burpees OyO

·         Run half a lap around track / 10 CDDs x IC

·         Run half a lap around track / 10 Merkins x IC

·         Run half a lap around track / 10 Scorpion Dry Docks x IC (5 per leg)

·         Run half a lap back to hill

·         2nd Trivia – PAX (with a hint) correctly identified Mighty Jungle as AO of YHC’s VQ

Mosey to the end of the track

·         Lunge walk + Crab walk paved path to baseball field dugout

·         Line-up on 3rd base dugout bench: 5 Incline Merkins x IC.

·         Mosey to 1st base dugout: 5 Touch That Butt Squats x IC.

·         Repeato 10/10, 15/15 and 20/20.

·         3rd Trivia –MQ Turnpike saves the day and remembered YHC’s very first BRR leg was in Virginia

·         Victory Lap around the bases

·         Crab walk and Lunge walk paved path back to track


·         Monkey Humpers x 15 IC / Peter Parkers x 15 IC / WWII Sit-ups x 15 / Parker Peters x 15 IC

·         4th Trivia – PAX correctly deduced that Jolly first called me the “Smartest Man in NoCo” at the July 4th 2015 convergence.

Mosey back to hill and partner up SDNM.

·         P1 runs up hill and does 10 merkins while P2 does LBCs AMRAP. Flip-flop.

·         Down the ladder by two’s 8-8, 6-6, 4-4 and 2-2.

Mosey to wall at playground.

·         People’s chair for 90 seconds with 20 air press x IC.

·         BTTW x 45 seconds


·         Low Flutter x 20 IC / Shoulder Tap Merkins x 15 IC / J-Lo x 15 IC / Crunchy Frog x 15 IC

·         Recover-Recover


·         Strong work today by all with t-claps for Tantrum with the triple down (10K RR, Excelsior and Estate).

·         Congratulations to MQ Turnpike for accepting the role of 1st F leader for F3 LKN. Many thanks to Dallas for his contributions—now, he can truly dedicate all his energy to running.  When Turnpike comes asking you to Q, make it happen. You won’t be disappointed with the push it provides.

·         Great to see Tantrum and Outsource bring the 2.0’s out in the gloom.

·         Prayers for Freedom’s grandmother who recently broke her hip and continued prayers for Outsource as he begins his job search.

·         Converge next week for Polar Bear at North Meck Park.

·         Operation Sweet Tooth Family Run April 21st at St. Mark Church

·         There are at least two more installments of YHC’s four year anniversary tour scheduled: The General Friday Feb 2nd and The Wilderness, Thursday Feb 8th. Bring the mumble chatter and YHC will bring the pain.

·         It is difficult to condense the influence F3 has had on YHC’s life in the past four years into a few words.  It is the antidote for many and a tremendous means to fill the void in many men’s lives. To all the brothers of F3, simply continue to push each other, respect each other and lift each other when adversity arises.

