Hit Me Baby One More Time

Tribute to music legends

8 pax plus the Q emerged in the humid gloom not likely knowing what to expect…  What they got was a sweaty beatdown with elevated heart rate, excellent music, multiple new exercises to this region and a lil bit o fun.

Oh, and before we were done, punches were being thrown.

Here's what happened:


Rage Against the Machine


"Follow Me" by Soundgarden as the pax followed the Q down the road.


Mosey to the hill

Guns n Roses


2/14 WWIIs at the top, LBCs bottom


Mosey up to The Wall

Pink Floyd

  • Hand release merkin, inch worm up the wall then back down, hand release merkin. Repeato X3
  • people’s chair. Seal clap to the beat. 


Mosey to the bricks

  • partner up 
  • Each twosome get 2 bricks 


“Hit Me Baby One More Time”

  • sparring with bricks for duration of the song

“Oops I did It Again”

  • As the intro brought the pax into the song, we did toe raises. Then as the beat dropped, we launched into toe hops.  This got the energy up.  When the song was obvious to be "Oops I did it Again"…  well…
  • so do it again!  Back to sparring.  Now with the pax moving their feet too.


  • The Brittany:   Rosalita to the beat x 10, roll over for CDD x 10, jump up to squat pulses x 10.  Oh yeah!



  • cont the #FreeBrittany movement
    • Make a ring for “Circus”
    • “Scream & Shout”


The Hip-Hop-Rock Moleskine:

  • Most of the music was intentional.  Some was lucky and well timed.  The Wall at the wall was obviously intentional.
  • FiA inspired the Q by not only joining the #FreeBritney movement this past week but ALSO offering a Free Britney FiA shirt.  This came up at coffeeteria Saturday.
    • Turns out Britney may have an IUD in her uterus but not an IED explosive.  Although… maybe she does?  Wouldn't we like to know.
  • The energy level rose significantly with the Pax's excitement when Pink Floyd came on at the wall.
  • The mosey to the corner from the Wall with the sun rising, Pink Floyd blaring and the Pax following YHC was an awesome event.
  • The energy reached an all-time-high when the sparring with bricks began and Oops I did it Again came on.  Now we're moving our hands and our feet.
  • YHC thought The Brittany was pretty great.  No doubt ya gotta have the music and move tot he beat, though.  The hand movements with the twerking – I mean pulsing squats – was key.  
    • The Pax nailed it.
  • Etch-a-Sketch will Q the Wilderness on 7/22.  Don't miss it.