Hit the Bricks!

13 pax arrived at Fallout this morning on the promise of a Basin Run recovery beatdown, i.e., not much running.  Still, that didn't deter 2 pax (Lawn Dart and Mooch?) from knocking out a 2-mile #Standard.  TClaps!

4 other pax – Jolly Roger, 9Lives, TBone, and Calypso – showed at 0430 for a Tuesday morning edition of the RR10K, but then skipped out on the beatdown.  Nice work gents – I believe all but 9Lives had run the Basin only days before – but we missed you all at the workout.

Mosey around the lot with some high knees and buttkickers.  Circle up, disclaimer.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC
  • Hillbillies x 10 IC
  • Litte Baby Arm Circles Forward x 10 IC
  • Little Baby Arm Circles Reverse x 10 IC
  • Overhead Claps x 15 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC


Mosey to YHC's car.  Pop the hatch to reveal a bunch o' bricks.  Yes, the Prius strains to carry 54 bricks.  Not really, but the pax can't resist making a Prius joke.

Each pax grabs 2 bricks.  Mooch needed one extra brick after dropping one into Jolly's passenger seat as Jolly exited the lot.  Jolly also has a Prius.  The pax love to abuse us Prius owners.

Mosey with bricks toward soccer fields.  Stop halfway and find some curb for:

  • Elevated curb dips on bricks x 15 IC
  • Muhammad Ali while holding bricks overhead x 15 IC

Finish mosey to soccer fields and circle up.

Brick Round 1

  • Squat to Press with bricks x 15 IC
  • Turkish Get-ups while holding brick overhead with right hand x 10 OYO
  • Turkish Get-ups while holding brick overhead with left hand x 10 OYO
  • Bricks down, bear crawl around circle until you return to your bricks
  • Repeato Round 1

Brick Round 2

  • Mason Twist with bricks x 15 IC
  • Man Maker Mericans with bricks x 10 IC
  • WWII Situps with bricks x 15
  • Bricks down, lunge walk around circle until you return to your bricks
  • Repeato Round 2

Brick Round 3

  • Front Arm Raises with bricks x 10 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC (no bricks)
  • Lateral Arm Raises with bricks x 10 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC (no bricks)
  • Brick Webbs – 1 brick merican followed by 1 brick shoulder press, then 2 brick mericans followed by 2 brick shoulder presses…. and so on…. up to 8 brick mericans and 8 brick shoulder presses

Mosey back to YHC's car.  Stop halfway and find some curb for:

  • Elevated curb dips on bricks x 15 IC
  • Muhammad Ali while holding bricks overhead x 15 IC

Finish mosey to YHC's car and return bricks to hatch.  No Prius comments this time.  Silenced by the Brick Webbs?

Mosey to pavilion wall.  People's Chair 30 sec, followed by Touch Them Heels x 15 IC

Mosey to parking lot for Mary:

  • Homer to Marge x 3 and right into….
  • Low Dolly x 15 IC
  • Dying Cockroach 15 IC
  • J-Lo x 10 IC and finally
  • Suzanne Somers x 10 IC (courtesy of MQ Lawn Dart)

Recover, recover.


  • Thanks to all pax who came out.  Great group of men.  There was some grumbling, but the pax knocked it out this morning.  Kotters to Bootlegger – first post in a year+.  Great to meet you, brother, and hope to see you out again soon.
  • It had been a while since YHC had Q'd Fallout, or even been to this AO.  So long, in fact, that YHC had never seen the second (newer) playground, which has apparently been there for some time.  YHC conducted a pre-beatdown inspection of said playground, so that it may be incorporated into the next Q at this AO.  On that note – Lawn Dart, I'm OOT on the next open date, 12/26, but will get back on the calendar in 2018 once 2018 is fixed on the website.
  • What was that stink on the soccer fields?  Cobains for taking the pax over there and making them lie down in it.  Mental note to apologize to the M for the aroma YHC brought into the house post-beatdown.
  • Thankfully, prior to his departure, Jolly returned to YHC (via 66) the extra brick Mooch had deposited in the Jolly Prius.  YHC neglected to mention above that, upon arriving at the AO, Mooch had also parked within a nanometer of the Jolly Prius (on the driver side, naturally).  YHC did not see, but assumes Jolly had to enter the Prius via the passenger side in order to depart.  So much Prius abuse.
  • Thanks to Dingo for calling a last minute audible and making it out (with pooch) for YHC's Q.  Also glad to see Spare back at it after tweaking the back a few weeks ago.  Hope you're back to 100% brother.  Always good to see Hasselhoff out as well – one of the many "Neil"s in LKN (YHC, Gray Ghost, Beast, and SweetC being the others).
  • Thanks to Lawn Dart for reaching out to YHC and asking for a Q.  Always appreciate the opportunity to lead.  And thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016 – I'm forever grateful.
