Hobo BBBroga

Event Date

May 26, 2022

5 men gathered on the pavement to get some stretching in.  2 of them ran about 5 miles as a warm up while the other 3 saved their energy for the main event.  The short lap was made to warm up and/or cool down depending on who you were, then we got into the usual routine.  Upright stretching, then our 6, then on our 12.  We wrapped it up with Child's Pose and Modified Cobra because YHC forgot about it saved the best for last.


  • Hobo BBBroga brought to you by Scope, apparently there is a proper way to be a hobo and hop trains
  • Einhorn borrowed a towel to use as a mat from YHC and offered to bring it home for a wash after 'coming in contact with parts the sun never shines on' or something to that effect
  • Dr Dolittle forgot his mat however he was able to breakdown a cardboard box as a form of knee protection….and promptly rolled it up at the end of the session
  • Shake Weight is pulling all-nighters to keep the siren from sounding over at the plant, much appreciated

Pleasure to lead, Namaste, Bertha
