Hofforama 2.0

Event Date

Feb 20, 2020


Upon checking the website yesterday before leaving from work I noticed that no one took the incredible opportunity to lead the workout at Samson this morning so, being the MQ that I am, I proudly started putting together a plan for the workout.  Here is how things went down:


Mosey through parking lots doing shuffle and karioke and then to the upper lot for HOFFORAMA…..enough said!


Grab a block and a partner.  Yikes!

All Pax: 10 Curls IC; 10 Shoulder Press IC; 10 Skullcrusher IC; 10 block swings OYO; 10 Lawnmower R&L

Now, give those blocks a break and get with that partner! One pax run clockwise around island, the other run counter-clockwise.  When you meet up, do 10 merkins each.  Keep going until you each have done 50 merkins.

Meet back up at the blocks

REPEATO #1:  block work and partner running (LBC's when you meet up though!)

REPEATO #2: block work and partner running (Squats this time!!)

Return the blocks and mosey to the grassy knoll.

10 hand slap merkins

10 over unders each


boxcutter x 10IC; dying cockroach x 10ic; low flutter x 15ic; freddie mercury x 10 ic; plank/side plank x2



Things are definitely picking up at Samson.  A good number of old faces and some new ones as well!!  Really appreciate the pax for getting out and getting a good workout in today.  I know my day is way better when it starts like this!!!  On another note, and especially for those who have not taken a Q in a while or ever, GO FOR IT!  It adds something to your workout when you lead.  It might push you outside your comfort zone but thats OK!  Pax dont judge, they help and we have all been there before!!!  You will be better for it in the long run!!

Until next time!
