Hold It Now (Hit It)

FNG-1 = Nathan Cogbill

FNG-2 = NaNaNa (not on website)

16 pax posted to #TheGeneral and did a whole lotta isometrics…..

0500: YHC had advertised a 0500 3-mile #Standard, but got no takers and had to sad clown it.  Hacker arrived sometime after YHC departed and got in a brisk 2-mile Standard of his own.  We saw each other briefly while running near Robbins Park.  Omega thought about running the Standard, but hit the snooze instead.  Probably a good idea – it was soupy out there.

0530: Mosey to flagpole for the pledge.  Lap around parking lot.  Circle up.  Disclaimer.


  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Good Morning x 10 IC
  • Slow Windmill (aka Abe Vigoda) x 10 IC
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC
  • Slow Merican x 10 IC


Mosey to rock pile on Westmoreland.  Each pax grab one big rock and two small (handheld) rocks.

Round 1

  • Big Rock – Curl x 10 IC
  • Big Rock – Static Hold (90 degrees) 30 sec
  • Squat x 10 IC
  • Squat Hold 30 sec
  • Repeato above, but with wider squat

Round 2

  • Small Rocks – Lat Raise x 10 IC
  • Small Rocks – Lat Static Hold 30 sec
  • Alternating Lunge x 10 IC
  • Left Leg Lunge Hold 30 sec
  • Right Leg Lunge Hold 30 sec
  • Repeato above, but with stepback lunge

Round 3

  • Big Rock – Overhead Press x 10 IC
  • Big Rock – Overhead Press Hold 30 sec
  • Low Flutter x 15 IC
  • Banana Hold 30 sec
  • Repeato above, but replace Low Flutter with Low Dolly x 10 IC

Round 4

  • Small Rocks – Bent Over Tricep Kickout x 10 IC
  • Small Rocks – Bent Over Tricep Kickout Hold 30 sec
  • Alternating Side Lunge x 10 IC
  • Left Side Lunge Hold 30 sec
  • Right Side Lunge Hold 30 sec
  • Repeato above, but replace Bent Over Tricep exercises with Skullcrushers / Skullcrusher Hold

Replace rocks.  Mosey to concession stand.

  • People's Chair 30 sec
  • Air Press x 10 IC
  • Arms Overhead Hold 10 sec
  • Merican x 10 IC
  • Merican Hold (halfway down) 20 sec
  • Repeato above, but replace Air Press with Touch Them Heels

Mosey back to cars.

  • Glute Bridge x 10 IC
  • Glute Bridge Hold 30 sec
  • Jane Fonda (Left Side) x 5 IC – then hold leg up 30 sec
  • Jane Fonda (Right Side) x 5 IC – then hold leg up 30 sec

Recover, recover.


  • Nice work by the pax this morning.  YHC thought the 30 sec holds would lead to increased mumblechatter, but the pax were more subdued than expected.  Perhaps it was just early, or perhaps they were working hard.  Hopefully the latter.
  • Great to have FNG Nathan join us.  I believe Tupak may have brought him out, and is hoping to get him out again next week (possibly Wed).  Workouts won't get easier, but you'll get stronger.  Look forward to seeing you out again in the gloom soon.
  • NaNaNa – nice work this morning…. get signed up on the F3LKN website so we can tag you next time!
  • Great 2nd F afterwards at the new (to me, anyway) Starbucks in Cornelius.  Seemed like we had > 50% of the pax there.  Great way to start a Friday.
  • Thanks to all the pax who came out to support and put in good work this morning.  Thanks to Eeyore for the opportunity to lead the General pax today, and thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016….. I'm forever grateful.
