Holiday Music Stretch

9 PAX came out to the WFC for Stretch Armstrong for injury recovery and prevention. All got more limber by the end.  There is a “The Wilderness” and a “Wilderness” in the AO drop-down list so YHC selected both, just to be sure. 

Thanks to The Force for taking on December’s Challenge and leading us through the required Stretch ex’s to get full credit for today.  TF also gets co-Q credit for his efforts.  

Send some prayers out to The Force and his co-workers today if you can.  From personal experience, laying off employees is the hardest part of the job, IMO.  Prayers go out to all that they find something new that they love even more. 

Prayers also for Ultraman’s co-worker and his family who recently passed away suddenly and unexpectedly.  And for Ultraman and The Force’s moms and their continued health and recovery.  And for Omaha’s nephew and their family.

Thanks to Omaha for a chance to lead. Come out to (The) Wilderness on December 15 for the Festival of Lights scavenger hunt with prizes galore.  And pain.  Pain is its own reward. 

TG sends, 
