Hollywood Backblast 5/8/24

Fng was Two-Toes I could not find him in the pax on website. I couldn’t think of a great title for the backblast leading to its tardiness. Landed on this one after advice from our Nantan. If you were at the workout comment below with your take on a creative & fitting title. 

— honestly a great workout. We hit a little bit of everything with emphasis on mobility, posterior chain and core. We Zamperini’d some rocks, crickets on Bagboys favorite workout call, got in some plyometric movements between lampposts, paid the troll toll twice at west entrance of the bridge to Terabithia. Debated whether it’s a garden, fountain, flower bed or otherwise. I nearly woke the neighbors but managed to contain myself on cadence volume.

of course we finished with 5 burpees. 

Guys this was a good one. I’m super thankful for the Pax who showed up and worked hard. None of the mumblechatter made it to my ears, I think we were pretty well focused on the task at hand. Hippie, Roadie and Toby joined us at Coffeeteria to spread some 3rd F. 
Love you guys. 

until next time,

