QvQ lives on! My Hollywood Q this morning was courtesy of Amen’s lead at Gladiator several weeks ago. And it was a great week to lead — 58° and minimal humidity lead to donning a muscle shirt which lent itself perfectly to today’s plan: a block workout with minimal running. YHC showed up 30 minutes early to set up some cones and index cards for the morning’s events. I witnessed a fly-by of Ponch, Amen and Titan as they ran a standard, but only Titan would return for my offering. At 0527 I was thinking Titan and I would be drinking coffee at 0530. At 0529 I was wondering if I would have enough coupons. The pax never fail to turnout for accountability and support!

Speaking of coupons, I fondly recall a time when Hollywood kept a stash of them behind the trash cans by Chipotle, but those are long gone. So YHC dropped by Gladiator last night to load up a dozen blocks along with a few KBs that I always have for Cauldron extras. As it turned out, I’d have just enough for the plethora of men drawn like a moth to the flame for a workout advertising no running. Suck it runners!

YHC offered a brief warmup:

  • Hillbillies x15 IC
  • Windmill x10 IC
  • Sumo Squats x12 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC

Apparently it was not brief enough though as we did not have time to complete all the stations for the main event. This involved grabbing a coupon from YHC’s truck and then completing the exercise at the 1st station. Next the pax would Zamperini to station 2, complete that set followed by the set at station 1. Zamperini to station 3 and complete sets at 3, 2, 1. Then continue in that pattern through 13 stations with reps going up by 2 each time. The pax were told up front that there would be no winners and YHC stressed quality over quantity. I think the pax did a great job as no one (to my knowledge) completed all 13 stations. Next time we’ll have to start at station 13 and work backwards. Next time?!?

  1. (1) Blockee
  2. (3) Block ups (Turkish get up with block)
  3. (5) 8-count Body Builders (or was that a Burner?)
  4. (7) Mason Twist
  5. (9) Baby Toss (vertical chest press)
  6. (11) Lawn Mowers (each side)
  7. (13) Overhead Press
  8. (15) Curls
  9. (17) Skull Crushers
  10. (19) Rocky Balboas (on block)
  11. (21) Block Swings
  12. (23) Block Merkins
  13. (25) Goblet Squats

YHC made it to station 11 before time expired. Several made it to station 12. Sound off in the comments if you made it to station 13! For CoT, we went around the circle where each man had an opportunity to offer a petition or a praise. Following the workout, most of us headed to Summit for #coffeeteria. As always, I’m humbled by the men who turn out for my Q — thanks to all of you for being a part of a great start to my day!


  • Titan rescued a turtle post-workout! It was right in the middle of Sam Furr and Birkdale. I have never seen a turtle that large wandering in the middle of a busy intersection. T-Claps (aka Turtle Claps)!
  • Uncle Rico crushed the workout; especailly station 2 where he came up with a way to do a situp into a squat and stand with the block. Impressive!
  • Kudos to Possum and HSB for crushing the Quarter Ruck over the weekend and then returning to workout this week
  • Hats off to Little Professor for getting up before the sunrise to workout with us. My boys were still sound asleep when I got home from TobyTalks
  • Thumbs up to everyone who took You vs You to heart and modified as needed to get the best workout they could do. It’s not about finishing first or even doing the workout as designed. It’s about getting out of bed, holding each other accountable and giving 100% the best way you know how. 

