Hollywood Double Feature

Thank you Deep Dish for allowing me to run the projector at Hollywood with Commando. Great AO and some great PAX.


Mosey around the parking lot – High Knees, Butt Kickers and Regular

SSHx25, Imperial Storm Troopersx10, Moroccan Night Clubsx50, Windmillx10, and Carrot Pullersx10

Grab the Sad Sacks (45 lb. sack) – Indian Run with last man in each line caring on of the Sack to the front.

The Thang

               Partner Up – Sticks of Stone & Exercise – Switch

Partner 1 – Curlsx15                                       Partner 2 – Squatx15

Partner 1 – Overhead Pressx15                   Partner 2 – Merkinsx15

Partner 1 – Skull Crushersx15                       Partner 2 – Carolina Dry Docksx15

Run a Lap around the parking lot

Repeato twice – lowering to 10 and then 5

Put sticks back 

Next up –   Peoples Chair / Air Press x15, Balls to the wall, Curb Dips x15, Jumpsquatx15 – Repeato Peoples Chair / Air Press x15

Mary –

The Wx15/ Pretzel crunch x15 each leg / Low Flutterx15 / Finish with a one minute plank

Closing Prayer: Thank you Lord for giving us the strength to get up every morning to come together and to serve you. Please give us the strength to use our give back to others and service in your name. Amen  


Big thanks to all the PAX for keeping me honest and putting up with the shenanigans of the day, especially Soprano, it’s not easy doing Merkins with T-Rex arms and Snake Eyes for setting an example of how to do them correctly. Also, thanks to Commando for CoQing after 2 ½ hours sleep. You’re young, you can handle it.

Instead of recording, I took a picture during name-o-rama, so let me know if I missed you in the bb.