Hollywood – Gloom, Camera, Action

4 PAX – YHC, THE Hall Monitor, Capone and Mayhem – did a Ruck Standard is preparation for this week’s Brew Ruck (Interested in this event?  Reach out to THE Hall Monitor.)  Total of 2.2 miles.  The pace supported conversation and the conversation turned to a shared issue of home air conditioning units – between the 4 of us, we have some expert level insight into repairs and replacement. 

Back Blast Segway – Air Conditioning to AO Temperature…..

Temperature at launch was 76 with the humidity at 85%+ – Things got wet and steamy pretty quickly.

Our War Daddy was Bagboy and our War Baby was YoYo (not registered on PAX list.)

This is how things went, as far as you know – – – –

Mosey to the parking lot to circle up – along the way we did some carioca and backwards moseying

Warm-o-rama (included but may not be limited to the following)

SSH, IST, Windmill, Cotton Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Assorted Downward Dog-type Stretching

The Thang

Mosey to the road near Which Wich and find a spot on the curb to do some dips

Dip “Indian Run” –  everybody cycles through the run twice

Shake out the arms and lunge walk across the street and back

Incline Mericans on the Curb ICx10

Decline Mericans on the Curb ICx10

Mosey to the Greenway – find a partner

Partner 1 Lunge Walks while Partner 2 does 5 Burpees OYO – catch up to partner 1 and Flip Flop


Repeato – with Bear Crawl in place of Lunge Walks

Mosey to the fork in the Greenway (when you get to a fork in the greenway – take it)

Partner 1 – LBC’s AMRAP, Partner 2 – run up the hill towards the theatre and back – Flip/Flop

Everybody up the hill – and then mosey to the rock pile for a non-traveler

Assemble and circle up in the tennis court parking lot

All Exercises in Cadence x 10 – Rotate 3 spots to the left after every 2 exercises

Curls, Skull Crusher, Bent Over Row, Shoulder Press

Repeato the Rock Circuit

Put em back

Mosey to the theatre parking lot

Suicide run to the three islands

Head for home


Pretzel Crunch, Rosalita, WW 2 Sit-ups, Elbow Plank

Recover Recover

Action/Adventure Moleskine

          Always a pleasure to be with this crowd in the gloom.  The best way to start the day.  Enjoyed the 1st and 2nd F during the standard.  I hadn’t rucked in a while and it felt good.  It’s just like riding a bike – if you bike with a really heavy backpack and pass around a heavy sandbag.

          It’s just over a year since I took over as Master Q at Hollywood (54 posts to be exact).  To commemorate the occasion – there will be awards – The WOODYS.  It’s only fitting they’ll be announced on the same day as the ESPYs.  The ESPYS have the best of sports and entertainment in attendance.  Hollywood just has the best.  See the special supplemental back blast for a list of winners.  [Think about Q’ing at Hollywood – you might just get a WOODY.  Next opening on the calendar is 7/26.]

          Prayers offered up for Earl Gray and his family following his sister’s passing this week after a battle with cancer.


o   Brew Ruck this Saturday – if interested contact THE Hall Monitor

o   Mighty Jungle on Saturday – following the workout, there’s a chance for an additional workout.  We’ll be helping to unload a truck with supplies for an outreach program the church does.  Think pallets of food staples – rice, beans, etc.  We did this last year – and many hands (and backs) help the work go quickly.

          I recently took my 2.0 to a post while we were traveling in Pittsburgh.  I know many of you have posted outside of LKN.  If you have, continue to do so (especially in new regions like Pittsburgh).  If you haven’t – you should.  It’s pretty cool to walk up to a group of strangers that you can connect with pretty quickly.  There’s minor differences here and there – but pretty much it’s the same workout, same cadence, same exercises – and the same feeling of brotherhood and community. 

Always an honor,
