Hollywood goes Historical: Give me Liberty or Give me Burpees!

19 of Isotope’s finest experienced Tagless’ VQ at Hollywood. FNG-Ron Gomilla (2nd post with name noted below), Miami Vice and Shamrock not registered on Isotope website. There were burpees, rocks, and running as promised, plus a surprise history question.


  • Mosey around theatre including High Knees and Butt Kickers

  • SSH x 25 IC; Cotton Picker x 15 IC; Mountain Climbers x 20 IC; Slow Squat x 10 IC


  • Mosey to Rock Pile and collect traveling rock

  • 15 Curls IC, 10 Burpees OYO, 10 Merkins IC, 15 Rock Squats IC, 20 LBCs IC

  • Zamperini half-way to greenway path; mosey with rock remainder to greenway

Partner up SDNM

  • P1 (All single count): 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, 30 Rock Squats, 40 LBCs; while P2 runs to bridge on greenway; lunge walks across bridge and back; then runs back to P1 at greenway entrance

  • Flip Flop

  • 15 Rock Shoulder Press IC

  • Repeato except P2 runs with rock and does not lunge walk at bridge.

  • 15 Skull Crushers IC

  • Return rocks to pile; Plank to collect pax

Historical Trivia: Patrick Henry uttered his famous “Give me Liberty or Give me death” speech on March 23, 1775. Pax was able to successfully identify his audience and location from multiple choice selections from YHC to avoid an additional 10 burpees.

  • Mosey to parking deck behind Dick’s

  • 90 seconds of Peoples Chair with 20 Air Presses IC


Mosey to Fountain for MARY

  • Low Flutter x 20 IC

  • Jo-Lo’s x 15 IC



  • Strong work by all today. Probably the largest age span at one workout YHC has observed with Little Ben (WB), 14, and Zuul (WD), 58.

  • Welcome to 2nd post FNG Ron Gomilla henceforth known as “Riverboat”. Special thanks to the naming committee as most of the mumble chatter heard this morning involved ensuring he was properly named!

  • YHC had bigger plans for parking deck, but is still learning to manage time as Q. Bear crawls, crab walks, monkey humpers and CDDs will have to wait for another time.

  • Also didn’t get to call a few favorites inspired by others Glut Bridges (Shoe), Shoulder Tap Merkins (Snake Eyes), Plank Jacks (Shaken), Crunchy Frog (Stombolli).

  • Keep Shamrock’s co-worker in our prayers and all those affected by the attacks in Brussels, Belgium

  • Thanks to Oyster for leading us in prayer. Your words were poignant and heartfelt.

  • Thanks to Hippie for allowing me the privilege of leading this group. It was my honor; and, I am grateful for being coerced (slightly) into this leadership experience.

  • News of the history trivia has traveled fast and requests are coming in for a Q at The General

  • Lastly, YHC chose Patrick Henry’s words as they continue to be as relevant today as they were 241 years ago. Words can motivate and inspire, but always need the resolve to be converted to action. F3 always appreciates that freedom is never free. We are reminded that all are called to action to protect our freedoms.
