FNG – Donald Tampubolon (1st post)

17 sought to avoid IPC, but were presented with a different type of suck!



Mosey around the movie theater parking lot (as we took off, Gnarly informed me that he had some bidness to take care of, and that he'd be back!).

  • Toy Soldiers / Mtn Climbers / IST / …


The Thang:

Mosey to the parking deck ramp.

  • Walk Crabs
  • Crawl Bear
  • Dragon Crawl
  • Frog Jumps (the FNG picked up on the animal theme, and requested some Grasshoppers, so that is what we called them)

To the wall

  • People's Chair w/Air Press
  • Pulsating D***s to the Bricks
  • Praying Mantis
  • Side press

Mosey to the front of Dick's

  • line up on curb
  • Quadraphelia to other curb – Decline Mericans
  • Sprint back – Incline Mericans
  • 3peato

Mobility Moment

Mosey to blocks – wait…where'd the blocks go?!!!

  • line up on curb
  • sprint to opposite curb – Monkey Humpers
  • Quadraphelia back – Jump Squats
  • 3peato

Mosey back to the movie theater (w/pain stops) (Goat returned somewhere around this time!)



  • Dot the "i"
  • Susan Summers
  • Walk the Elbow Plank



  • I gave up Stretch to help Goat out, and quickly regretted my decision
  • FNG Donald was EH'd at Starbucks, and showed up on his own.  He picked up on the mumblechatter extremely quickly, and fit right in.
  • Free Pass did his best to throw YHC off with his mumblechatter, but this veteran learned long ago to block him out!
  • It was good seeing Uncle Rico, Calypso, TBone, and Free Pass in the gloom again.  It has been awhile!!
  • Thanks to THE Goat for handing me the keys, and thanks to the Pax for coming along for the ride!