30 men showed up for a treatment to a Hollywood DeepRub…

Warm Up

Jog to theater parking lot

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 20 IC

Cotton Pickers x 20 IC

Shoulder touch merkins x 20 IC

The Thang pt 1

Run to Rubbermaid parking lot

Dips on wall x 20 IC

Mosey to rear lot for 4 corners

Corner #1 20 merkins IC, run to next corner

Corner #2 20 WWII situps IC, bear crawl to next corner

Corner #3 15 merkins IC, run to next corner

Corner #4 20 squats IC, run to next corner


Run to theater, line up on back wall

Peoples chair w/ 20 Airpresses IC

Head over to rocks

Bear crawl behind tennis courts

Grab a rock and head to parking lot

The Thang pt 2

Round 1:  Partner 1 Skull Crushers AMRAP, Partner 2 run to corner and back, switch places

Round 2:  Partner 1 Curls AMRAP, Partner 2 repeato, repeato

Round 3:  Partner 1 Overhead presses AMRAP, Partner 2 repeato, repeato

Round 4:  Partner 1 Chest presses AMRAP, Partner 2 repeato, repeato

Rocks back, mosey back to fountain

Plank 1 minute


Master Q Emeritus Hippie critiqued DryRub's squats.  He was not impressed…

Titan kept wondering why we ran all the way to Rubbermaid for merkins.  My guess is he's still waiting for the answer.

Kingfish 'fessed up to not doing the bear crawls by the tennis courts.  Surprised?

Hippie was overheard mentioning that no matter what happens, Hollywood keeps it's steady numbers.  Strong appearance this morning!

Great to see Eeyore back in action.

Miami Vice posted as well, but is not on the list

We ran @ 2 miles this morning.

Last, but certainly not least, the PAX had a chance encounter with some creepy guy playing Pokemon Go at Zero Dark Thirty… no flying EH was applied, and no direct eye contact was made.

Thanks to Holiday for the opportunity to lead, and to my co-Q Dry Rub for the guidance; had a great time!