Hollywood minus all the stars and glamour

PAX – Gatsby attended, but not in system

Happy Wednesday!

Warm UP

  • SSH
  • CP
  • TS – my cadence sucked!
  • Merkin x 20
  • Deep Squat x 10
  • Burpees x 5


  • Partnered up for wheelbarrow hand walk, after partner one went both did 20 merkin. Partner 2 walked back 20 squats
  • Partners ran in opposite direction around parking lot. 1st meet up = 20 merkins, keep running. 2nd meet up 20 squats, keep running. 3rd meet up 10 burpees
  • PiggyBack Walk – partner 1 carried 2 to the end of the parking lot, then 2 carried 1 back
  • LBC x 30, Carolina Dry Docks x 15, Pretzel Cruch x 20, Carolina Dry Dock x 12, Low Flutter x 25, Arm circles, Over Head Claps x 50, Carolina Dry Docks x 8
  • Walking Merkin (using parking lines)
    • line 1 = 1 merkin
    • line 2 = 2 merkins
    • cont. for 8 lines
  • Lung/Squat Walk (using parking lines) (modified Lt. Dan)
    • line 1 = 1 lung each leg and 1 squat
    • line 2 = 2 lung each leg and 2 squat
    • cont. for 8 lines 
  • Bear Crawl across parking lot, 20 merkins, Bear Crawl back 5 burpees 
  • WWll Sit ups x 20, X & O's x ??
  • Last Lap – run around parking lot, corner one 20 merkin, corner two 20 squats, corner 3 10 merkins


  • Pillow talk – bagboy call

So, This was all made up on the fly so I might have missed a few things but I think is about 85% right. 



It was great to get to work out with several PAX that I don't normally run into: Yosemite, Zook, Code Blue, Cracker Jack, Gatsby

We keep in our prayers all those affected by the events of 9/11, 17 years ago. For those first responders that we have lost since then to illeness from the work they did. There are still many who struggle to battle the memories they were left with and we pray for them. Thank you Gatsby for sharing your experience of that time with us. We pray now for everyone facing Florence, may all find safety and all they help needed to recover.