Hollywood Oyster Roast

Event Date

Nov 20, 2019

Warm up:

Jog around parking lot

Side Straddle Hop

Imperial Storm Trooper

The Picker of Your Choice

Hamstring Stretch

Wind Mill


Jog to ramp

Partner up: 100 Merkins 200 Shoulder Push Up 300 Squats

Run up and around the ramp

Jog over to Cinder Blocks

10 Curls

10 Shoulder Press

10 Squats

15 Chest Press


Jog to Victoria Secret – Monkey Humpers for old time sake

Jog back to start for Mary

25 Low Flutters

25 LBC

10 Crunch Frigs

10 Hand Release Merkins

45 second Plank

Our group was small but hearty! Goat thank you for the opportunity to Q!

OLD MEN RULE!!!!!!!!