Hollywood Premier – TWIB

Event Date

Sep 28, 2016



33 strong men (+3 who ran in for the warmup and ran out before the good stuff) powered through my Hollywood premier, inspired by "This Week In Baseball".  Yes, that old TV show from the 70's and 80's with Mel Allen, Johnny Bench, etc.  I use to love that show!!!  So I try to pull inspiration from historical baseball events and use them in my workouts somehow.

This post was inspired by current events…the Cubs became the first team in the majors this week to reach 100 wins.  So we used the number 100 in almost everything we did.


20 SSH, 10 Merkins IC, 20 IST IC, 15 Squats IC, 10 Cotton Pickers

Da Thing:

Starting at the fountain, partner up.  Partner 1 ran a loop around the block (past the pergola!!) while partner 2 performed exercise.  Then switch.  Exercises were counted as a team.  100 straight count merkins, 100 squats, 100 CDD, 100 WWII situps.

Mosey to the grouping of benches just up the block.  Repeat the process, with exercises of 100 dips, 100 Bulgarian Squats (left leg), 100 Bulgarian Squats (right leg), 100 LBC.

Mosey to the parking lot.  Repeat the process.  Run across the parking lot while partner exercises.  100 wide merkins, people's chair with 100 air press, 100 freddie mercury, 100 skateboards.

Last, we honored Mary with J-Lo's (19 IC, evidently) and LBCs (20 IC).

Close with prayer requests for a fellow pax who was injured and also has a friend who suffered a devasting loss in their family (28 yr old daughter passed away); and also had a prayer for Bada Bing's family as they deal with some health issues for his mother.


  • Thanks to Holiday for the invite to Q.  I hope I earned enough points to come back some day.
  • Huge shout out to Spinnarkle and Mary K from TPR for making the trip to Hollywood to support my premier.  Really appreciate it!
  • Thanks to my BRR teammates that came out to support (Titan, Mayhem, Holiday, Turncoat, Full Moon (flyby)).  I realize that this is really what the BRR is about…making friendships that stick with you.  
  • After doing a lot of Bulgarian squats, it is really difficult to run in a straight line.
  • There was suprisingly NO mumblechatter.  I was expecting a ton for my premier guest Q.  What gives Hollywood???  ðŸ™‚

