Hollywood remembers Pearl Harbor 75th anniversary

Warm-o-Rama: Loop through lower cinema lot with high-knees, butt-kickers, Karoki left and right; Circle up for SSH x 75, Cotton Pickers x 15, Mountain Climbers x 15, Slow Squat x 15


Mosey to parking ramps behind Dick’s Sporting Goods.

·         Partner up SDNM. Pearl Harbor DORA #1: P1 starts 75 decline merkins while P2 runs up ramp / down stairs.

·         Flip/flop until cycle complete and then 150 shoulder dips on curb and 300 people’s chair air presses.

·         BTTW

Trivia #1: The Pax correctly identified Cuba Gooding, Jr. as the actor who portrayed Dorrie Miller, the first African American to be awarded the Navy Cross, in the 2001 movie Pearl Harbor and was rewarded with only 10 burpees—would have been 20 if incorrect.


Mosey to rock pile behind tennis courts.

·         Same partners. P1 collects one, non-traveling rock for both partners while P2 does 50 merkins.

·         Pearl Harbor DORA #2: P1 starts 75 skull crushers while P2 runs to corner streetlight and back.

·         Flip/flop until cycle complete and then 150 curls and 300 squats with rock.

·         Plank until finished. P2 returns rock while P1 does 50 merkins.

Mosey back to fountain


Trivia #2: The Pax could not identify Dan Aykroyd as the actor with roles in both Pearl Harbor and 1941 and did 20 Monkey Humpers to complete the work-out.




–       Pearl Harbor was a dark day for our country with the 75 reps of several exercises as a reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by so many that day. Let’s always remember the past and ongoing sacrifices by our military, police and firemen that continue to protect our cherished freedoms.

–       Welcome to Lico Seeley FNG. Thanks Omega for bringing him out to his first workout.

–       Smores—so sorry your stroll through Birkdale and chatter was interrupted by a workout

–       Soprano—next time make sure you are the partner who picks the rock


–       Omega is hosting a holiday event for children with Santa at Old Town Theatre in Davidson Saturday morning, Dec. 10th, starting at 9:30AM

–       Huntersville Half Marathon and 5K also this Saturday at 8 AM. F3 is sponsoring and there are still volunteer opportunities if not running. For those that are running, hopefully this was a decent taper with some good amounts of shoulder work, too.

–       Thanks to Oyster for leading us in prayer and as a great example as War Daddy.

–       Thanks Holiday for the opportunity to lead this great group—a privilege as always.
