Hollywood Style Beatdown

No casting calls this morning just a good old fashioned beatdown that had the sweat a dripping. The beatdown went like this:


Mosey to parking lot besides movie theater. Circle up.



Merkins 15x IC

Plank Jacks 15x IC

Mountain Climbers 15x IC

Apollo Ohno’s 15x IC


Mosey to rock pile and grab some rocks.


The Thang

Curls 12x IC

Overhead press 12x IC

Skull crushers 12x IC

Bent over row 12x IC

Chest press 12x IC


Run down to Brigdeton park and perform an exercise at each corner 

1st corner – squats 10x OYO

2nd corner- Lunges 10x/leg OYO

3rd corner- Bobby Hurley’s 10x OYO

4th corner- Side Lunges 10x/leg OYO




Put rocks up. Mosey to hill by pond. Partner up. 

Partner 1 Merkins AMRAP. Partner 2 sprint up hill. Flip flop

Partner 1 Squats AMRAP. Partner 2 sprint up hill. Flip flop

Partner 1 LBCs AMRAP. Partner 2 sprint up hill. Flip flop


Mosey to launching point. At the fountain:

Step ups 10x OYO

Dips 10x IC

Incline merkins 10x IC


Circle up for Mary

Low flutter 12x IC

Freddie Mercury 12x IC

Rosalita 12x IC

Pretzel crunch 12x IC

Merkins 10x IC (Jethro)

Shoulder touch merkins 10x IC (Snake eyes)

Pigeon stretch 30 seconds(Gnarly goat)




COT for prayer