Holster your KB it’s time for a field trip

This very well may be the last in person workout for a while, given President Trump's guidelines for #stayathomechallenge.  I decided to get a jump on this and borrowed my mother's old Jane Fonda jazzercise VHS tapes, complete with legwarmers, flair and mall hair.  It was fun, however, figured it would be more fun to throw the Pax a knuckleball on this St. Patrick's Day and run the Murph.  I enjoyed it.

The Thang…

05:30.  Gentlemen, good morning.  Holster your KB, you won't need that today.  Let's mosey.

We ran to Hope Park, completed the Murph, ran back to AO… recover, recover.



At least a couple Pax completed the Murph for the first time.  Great job.

Seemed like a pretty positve climate dispite the knuckleball.  Yes, I did run it by Lear first a couple of weeks ago.

We had no less than 10 varieties of squats.  

As always, love working out with you guys.  

Stay safe out there, hide your kids, hide your wife, wash your hands.