Holy Cowbell Batman

Somehow I got the keys to a great AO here in Race City.  This will not end well.  

Below is the tale of 8 men who decided to start the year right, even after drinking one too many White Russians during celebrations the night before:



25  SSH

15 IMP 

15 Carrot Puller

15 Windmill

15 Toy Soldier

10 Merkins


The Thang: All Single Count. OYO

25 Curls

25 Squat Press

25 Skull Crushers

25 Upright Row

Mosey to the fountain.

25 KB Swings

25 Bent Over Row

15 Single Armed Swing

15 Singled Armed Swing (Switch)

25 Curl

Mosey to the fountain.

Repeato x3


Mary: Bell Assisted

25 LBC

25 Low Flutter


Recover Recover



Cupcake is still nursing his injury while making us look weak.  Lots of solo sit ups and pushups.  Thanks to him for handing over the keys.  I hope I can continue the legacy of keeping the Rock as a damn tough beatdown.

The rest of the PAX provided some mumble chatter, but I believe it was not up to par.  (I believe it had to do with celebrations from the night before)  I expect this to ramp up as the weeks go on. 

During the CoT, Dolittle humbly asked for our support as he committed to drop some lbs by May.  So let's make sure we keep the pressure on him to post more and never be a cotter again.

My last rambling:  As the new MQ, I plan to doing what a good leader does, and delegate responsibility as soon as possible.  I will be encouring all members of the PAX to Q more.  If encouragement doesn’t work, I will proceed to volunteer at  the best of my discretion.