20 of Race City’s finest showed up for YHC’s VQ at The Brickyard.

Mr. Roper and Leaf Spring were also in attendance.


Warm Up

Mosey to the end of Gasoline Alley and circle up.

25 x SSH IC

15 x WM IC

15 x IST IC

15 x VG IC

Like Billy Bob at The Landing Strip in Varsity Blues, Brushless was stuck on ten. “I gave it a 10, a 10, a effing 10.”

Mosey to the rear lot at PAC for the Thang. 


The Thang

Starting at the west end of the lot, proceed with the following OYO:

Iron Hulks

Bear Crawl the length of the white trailer

10x Burpees (Audible to reduce count each time)

Dan Taylor’s 

Run to Gasoline Alley, return, and Repeato starting with Dan Taylor’s and working back to Iron Hulks. In keeping with the 1:4 ratio of Hulk and Dan, the game plan was to increase to 8:32 and then work back down to 1:4.  Math is hard and chaos ensued.



Hands of Time 1x (10 seconds ea)

Cupcake led LBC IC 30x

Brushless led Mason Twists IC 10x

Contra started with Planks and audibled to Makhtar N’Diayes IC 10x

Recover Recover!


Thanks for letting me lead the PAX today! Looking forward to the next one.