As MQ of MightyJungle, I was reminiscing at the end of the summer about the numbers Saturday workouts enjoyed when I first started 5+ years ago. While the Jungle continues to get respectable numbers, I missed the fellowship with the OGs who used to be frequent posters. It got me to thinking that what we needed was a homecoming event where “alumni” could take a break from their new “normal” Saturday routine and remember the days of yore. Thirty-seven men affirmed my efforts to rekindle the Saturday bootcamp by joining me this morning.

  • FNG-1: Joseph Ronaldi (sp?), now known as “Oops”
  • FNG-2: Camelback (aka Two Humps)
  • FNG-3: Tony Stark (Rodeo’s 2.0)


Omaha was the first of 4 Qs this morning and he started a minute late because he was waiting for Outlaw who was just pulling in after a night of auctioneering (aka Christmas Party raffle). We all started in a plank while the first of 4 Qs went through the basic disclaimer and allowed a moment for me to criticize Mini Me for standing me up this morning followed by a humble thanks to the men who made the morning a priority.

There was a brief mosey of about 20 yards before we were instructed to bear crawl. This sparked the first of much mumblechatter for not leading with SSH but that would come (much) later. We circled up as Omaha produced the raffle tickets from the night before and had the pax draw random exercises which included Cotton Pickers, Suzanne Sommers, Burpees, Squats, SSH, and more Burpees. (Turns out Omaha “stacked the deck” with several burpee tickets — thankfully his 15 minutes of fame were used up before we drew them all).

Next up was Omega who moseyed to the far end of the parking lot for an incredibly long Kack-a-lacky Choo Choo. Some of the pax are still learning that the “cars” need to be far enough apart to jump between them and thankfully we were only subjected to 2 rounds before we ended to blocks. Did we do curls or skull crushers with them? Not with Omega. He had us line them up in a L-O-N-G line after which we were instructed to do 10 pull-ups followed by staggered merkins down the line of 30+ blocks.

With upper body smoked, Outlaw took over and decided to lead us in a medley of Curls, Shoulder Press, Squats, Skull Crushers, Chest Press and a random MARY exercise. 3 rounds of 10-20 reps per set at a maddening pace was enough to make a couple guys (YHC included) take an occasional break. When the 3rd Q said “blocks back”, we were thankful it was over.

Next up was Hall Montitor for the 4th and final Q of the morning. Without care for Outlaw’s presence, he proceeded to lead a ladder with LBCs and Burpees, sprinting 40 yards between each set. After the six wrapped up (YHC included) we moved into MARY. HM led us off with Dying Cockroach, Shoulder Touch Merkins and The Burpee. Then he offered each of the other 3 Qs to lead an exercise. Outlaw called Low Dolly. Omega led Heels to Heaven. Omaha called a Forward Leaning Rest which turned into Shoulder Taps. With a minute or so left, HM surprised YHC with a request which led to stalling and the final bell. We moseyed back the cars for CoT.


  • Awards were presented to Olaf for furthest drive (Lake Wylie), Red Cedar (longest absence), and Titan (best mumblechatter). Each received a Hamilton in a personalized F3 envelope.
  • Bailey Road Park converged with us this morning. “Both” of their regulars joined us.
  • We also had Estate pax (Elmers & Baller come to mind) choose a bootcamp over another chance to incur injury. Suck it Jolly!
  • Speaking of Baller, we may have found an exercise in the Suzanne Sommers that he actually struggled with. On the flip side, he kindly did extra rounds during the ladder to keep YHC company as I finished up.
  • Omaha thought there should have been an award for most creative Q and claimed the raffle made him the clear winner.
  • Hall Monitor offered a back-handed compliment when he mentioned how YHC finished ahead of him at his first F3 workout. Thanks?
  • Shoe sent his regrets when tagged in the PB claiming he was 500+ miles away visiting family. Had he driven in, he would have been a “Shoe” in for the award. 
  • Toxic claimed he had just returned from a long trip as well, but last minute rules were drawn up stating that a stop at your own house reset the odometer.
  • Watch out for Callahan’s next Q as he may have come up with a new idea involving planks, patty cake merkins and kack-a-lacky all at the same time. Maybe he’ll call it “Kack-a-patty-woohoos”.
  • Thanks to Red Cedar, who took us out in prayer.

It was awesome seeing such a large group out this morning. Here’s to hoping some or the past pax will continue to join us on occasion amidst all the CSAUP and family commitments they now have. The more the merrier actually means something on Saturdays. And who knows? Maybe one day Mr Burns or Freepass or even Jolly Roger might hang out with me again. Does Calypso even F3 anymore? *kiss*