30 PAX on a warm day at The Mighty Oak.

It's a good day in my opinion when you run out of "FNG-X" tags on the website, that's a good problem to have.  For the sake of completeness, we had today:

  • FNG-1 = Red Rider, not listed in the PAX list yet.  16-Nov edit:  Added.
  • FNG-2 = Grand Prix, not listed in the PAX list yet. 16-Jun edit:  Saw "Grand Prix" in the PAX list so added to this Backblast.
  • FNG-3 = Giselle, not listed in the PAX list yet, a Kotter that Schneider brought out.  Well done!
  • FNG-4 = Chris Waldrun, an actual FNG, now known as "Brick House".  Brought out by Magnus. 16-Jun edit:  Saw "BrickHouse" in the PAX list so added to this Backblast.
  • FNG-5 = Laurence, another FNG, now known as "The Glitch".  Brought out by Ramrod. 16-Jun edit:  Saw "Glitch" in the PAX list so added to this Backblast.
  • FNG-6 (if the website allowed me to go that high!) = Darren, a 3rd FNG, now known as "Encino Man".  Brought out by Auto with an assist from Schneider.  16-Nov edit:  Added.

Today we honored the heroes of Operation Red Wings, where we lost 19 of our finest around this time of year in 2005.  For simplicity, and because we didn't know how many PAX we'd have in advance, we got into teams of 4 and asked the teams to look out for each other.  It went down something like this:


  • Mosey to the back of the school with high knees, butt kickers, and Quadraphilia
  • Disclaimer given
  • Press Jacks x 15 IC
  • 1 Burpee
  • Side power lunge x 10 IC
  • 2 Burpees
  • Slow Windmill x 10 IC
  • 3 Burpees
  • IST x 15 IC
  • 4 Burpees
  • Soybean Farmers x 15 IC
  • 5 Burpees
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC

The Team Thing:

Pair up with someone, size matters.  Then, pair up with another pair to form a team of 4.  (One team had 6, since there were 30 PAX.)

Each team did:

  • 200 Mericans (or 50 x the number of PAX on team, if > 4)
  • Bear crawl the entire length of the blacktop.  When you get to the other side, you go back for the other members of your team and help as needed. 
  • 100 Jump Squats (or 25 x the number of PAX on team, if > 4)
  • In pairs of 2, cross the entire length of the blacktop via wheelbarrow walk.  Switch as often as needed.
  • When you get to the other side, you go back for the other members of your team and help as needed. 
  • 100 Burpees (or 25 x the number of PAX on team, if > 4)
  • In pairs of 2, cross the entire length of the blacktop via partner carry.  Switch as often as needed.
  • When you get to the other side, you go back for the other members of your team and help as needed. 
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • Lunge Walk the entire lenght of the blacktop, staying with your team.

Then everybody re-assembled for:

  • Monkey Humpers x 15 IC
  • Jump Squats x 15 OYO
  • Knee Ups x 15 OYO
  • Quadraphilia the length of the blacktop at 60%
  • Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
  • Jump Squats x 10 OYO
  • Knee Ups x 10 OYO
  • Quadraphilia the length of the blacktop at 70%
  • Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
  • Jump Squats x 10 OYO
  • Knee Ups x 10 OYO
  • Quadraphilia the length of the blacktop at 80%
  • Sprint to the pull-up bars at 90%, then 10 pull-ups OYO
  • Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary.


  • 2 minute elbow plank.  Humble ask that everyone check in with their partner from time to time, ensure they are still posting.  Aye!
  • Low Flutters x 25 IC
  • LBCs x 25 IC

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.1 miles.


  1. We know Marcus Luttrell would give anything to work out again with "Murph", "Danny Boy", and "Axe".  Check in with your partner every so often, ensure he is still posting.  It was a pleasure to partner up with BoarHog today.  Was pleased to see others running back to help their teammates.  On the first crossing of the blacktop, BoarHog bear crawled back to his teammates, and bear crawled to the end with us.  Strong!
  2. Giselle, welcome back Kotter!  We hope to see you out there a bunch more.
  3. A hearty welcome to our THREE FNGs today, Brick House, The Glitch, and Encino Man.  Really glad to have you, and looking forward to getting to know all of you.  The workouts don't get easier, but you will easily adapt to them.
  4. FNG Backstories:  Brick House is from a town in Ohio? known for having the most brick houses per capita.  The Glitch…stay with me here.  Works in payroll, sales to be specific.  "Hey, I didn't receive my check this week".  "You need to talk to Payroll about that".  [Office Space]  Later…"So, Milton has been let go?"  "Just a second there Professor.  We fixed "The Glitch" ".  End scene.  And, Encino Man lived out in California, in an area that simply reminded Auto of the movie Encino Man.  Well done gents, 3 solid names in my humble opinion.
  5. Enjoyed a nice 2 mile standard with Binary and Funky Town.  The route has a name from Blackbeard, and if you check out my Strava you can probably guess what it is.
  6. Auto asked if beeping your horn at your partner's house at 5:30 will suffice for "checking in".  No…but at 5:20…yes!
  7. I've listed "Bouncehouse" and "Bouncey House" in the PAX list.  At first YHC thought it was pretty cool to have a guy with 2 tags.  But on further review, that can make someone with OCD like myself itch a little bit.  Which tag is the preferred one bro?  Sound off below.  Once we know that, I can ask Blackbeard to fix all prior posts and ensure the preferred tag is on them, then delete the other.  Sorry…OCD stuff.
  8. Grape Ape asked if BoarHog's dog was really named "Tripper".  Fitting if so, he almost got me on the lunge walks.
  9. Caboose, Bunyan, and Bam Bam running backwards…still fast.
  10. Lots of strong PAX at The Mighty Oak that YHC still wants to get to know more.  Admittedly, don't make it out to this great AO very often but hope to change that.
  11. Ramrod is the FNG whisperer.  What a great dude to have as our 2nd F Q.  Operation Headlock was a huge success and with 3 FNGs today, it feels like the momemtum carried over.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead today bud.
  12. Due to the small team nature of today's workout, YHC probably missed a ton of worthy mumblechatter.  Sound off below!

Always a pleasure to lace them up with the men of F3.
