Honoring Veterans Defending Freedom

So, last night I had an idea for a workout to honor veterans and a tip-of-the-hat to all the wars that were fought to defend our freedoms.  Without regard for the Master Q, communication etiquette or AO-specific time-honored traditions, I saw that no one signed up on the calendar to Q Samson.  I quickly filled my name in and shot out a preblast.  Apparently, Hasselhoff (Samson's Master Q) has a time-honored, AO-specific plan that regularly happens at Samson and was on the agenda for tomorrow: Samson Suicides.  I didn't know that until after the preblast since it's not a normal AO for me and I never gave him the courtesy of asking *angel*. Tensions were high until just before the workout and a final decision was compromised.

Turnpike gets the worm this morning for his sad clown standard.  Great work.  The other 12 lazy pax wasted 30 minutes sleeping (including me).  We all posted to Samson either expecting Samson Suicides, or expecting YHC was going to do something different, or showed up to find out which way it would go.  Thanks to Hasselhoffs flexibility, willingness to adapt and my begging, pleading and appealing to his patriotic heart, we were able to go with a Veteran Day plan with all the terrible pain that comes with it.  Here's how it went:

WARMORAMA RUN 'AROUND THE WORLD' with butt kickers, high knees, quadriphelia and side shuffles

THANG: Each parking lot section represented a war that the United States was involved in.  The number of repetitions were based on the years that the US was involved in that war.



SSH x17ic, Windmill x7ic, Toy Soldier x5ic,

Run the length of the parking section and back to represent the hardship of fighting a war.

SSH x17ic, Long Snapper x8ic, Burpees x3 OYO


WAR OF 1812 (1812-1815)

Mericans x18 OYO, Squats x12ic

Run the lot and back

Mericans x18ic OYO, Squats x15ic



Mericans x18 OYO, LBCs x46 OYO

Run the lot and back

Mericans x18 OYO, LBCs x49 OYO


CIVIL WAR (1861-1865)

Shoulder Touches x18 OYO, Mountain Climbers x61 (single count)

Run the lot and back

Shoulder Touches x18 OYO, Mountain Climbers x65 (single count)



Jump Lunges x18 OYO, Air Press x98 OYO

Run the lot and back

Jump Lunges x19 OYO, Burpees x2 OYO


WORLD WAR I (1917-1918)

Carolina Dry Docks x19, Pull Ups x17

Run the lot and back

Carolina Dry Docks x19, Pull Ups x18


WORLD WAR II (1941-1945)

World War II Sit Ups x19 OYO, American Get Ups x4, Burpee x1

Run the lot and back

World War II Sit Ups x19 OYO,  American Get Ups x4, Burpees x5


KOREAN WAR (1950-1953)

Squats x19ic, SSH x50 OYO

Run the lot and back

Squats x19ic, SSH x53 OYO


VIETNAM WAR (1964-1975)

American Hammer x19ic, Hip Slaps x64 OYO***

Run the Lot and back

American Hammer x19ic, Hip Slaps x75



Jump Squats x19, Balboas/Curb Kickers x90 (single count)

Run the lot

Jump Squats x19, Balboas/Curb Kickers x91 (single count)



-Special thanks to Hasselhoff for letting me commandeer his AO. The Samson Suicides will reconvene at their regularly scheduled time, soon.

-Sorry to Snake Eyes for only doing Shoulder Touches without the Merican.  I feel a bit ashamed, but relieved because 18 Shoulder Touch Mericans in cadence would be a lot, especially twice in a row.

-Turnpike is a beast for getting up earlier than anyone else, and knowing pretty much every war the US has been in and what years they were fought.  Maybe getting up early makes you remember things better?

-The Get Ups and Burpees for World War II were a reminder that the US may get knocked down from time to time, but we always get back up.  We did this here because WWII was the war that the greatest number of US lives were lost (and also the year numerals worked out that way)

***We only had enough time to get to the beginning of the Vietnam War.  If you want to finish out that war and complete the Desert Shield/Storm at home, I included the planned exercises above.

-I have seen Burgoo  A LOT this week.  It's been real special for me.  There was a rare sighting of Landshark in the gloom today.  I also got to see Calypso again this morning and that just gives me all the feels.  He committed to running the River Rat on Saturday, too *blush*

-Talking Heads does not live up to his name at F3.  Outside of that, you can't get him to shut up.  I'm sure he just needs to get used to the early mornings again.