Hoodie fought a cat with gps

Event Date

Aug 01, 2023


10 of the fastest pax in Isotope spent the morning on hills looking for a beach. Here is their story:

Matlock and Frodo hit the The Standard with YHC. Not the core standard. Just The Standard. Jobe and Swingy got .12 more miles since they watched some chick do core on Jobe’s phone.

Quick disclosure…err…disclaimer just for BC. Does a disclaimer even count if a pax refuses to look at you? Just follow the Q.

Regrouped at the base of Beech Hill Dr with burpees.

We hit Tarantulas and Apolo Ohnos every time we crossed side streets and burpees at the cul de sac. WWII situps when you return to David Kenney. AMRAP reps till 0608 then jailbreak to the AO. Should be 4+ miles with lower body pain as advertised.

Nothing makes Jobe and YHC run faster than mumblechatter about baseball cards. Trading them. Owning them. The value of them. Faster faster faster. At one point Anchovy was talking about “a friend” with a thin piece of cardboard with Barry Bonds face on it worth $190K. There are not enough burpees in the world…

Hoodie fought a cat with GPS and lost. Not at FKT. Presumably before. He was a pussy. The cat, not Hoodie.

Apparently there is some black market Strava leaderboard for cats. Turncoat’s cat knows. Dogs are not invited. So not inclusive. It was a weird morning.

Ping crushed FKT, again. AM/PM made sure that the 1st Tuesday of the month rang true. Strong.

We raised $195 this morning for Hope House. Some came before, some came during, and a good bit came right after the beatdown. Thanks to all of the men that sent Venmo, grabbed cash out of their wallet, and searched the couch for loose change. We’ll add it to the Goatbuster’s total (Currently at $895) and will get a check to Possum right before the event. Heck of a morning.

Hope House event is 8/12. Donations can be made here: https://gofund.me/afbb03ae

Definitely didn’t catch all that happened this morning. Hopefully BC can fill in the gaps with his cliff notes. Prayers up for all those that go spoken and unspoken. Now go be the light for those that need us most. Until the next time…