Hoosier Daddy

Event Date

Oct 08, 2019

A half dozen fine specimens came out to the Quarry seeking a paternity test of sorts to definitively establish just who is your Daddy. It is safe to say that none of aforementioned Paz will hear their names called on national letter of intent day


SSH, TS, Carrot pickers, Mercans

The Thang:

Part 1

Four corners

Do one exercise in each corner of the parking lot for 30 seconds then run to next corner

1st set


Frog jumps with 1/4 turn



1 min rest

2nd set

Carolina Dry Dock

Jump lunges

Mason twist

Diamond mercans

1 min rest

3rd set – repeato of the 1st set

4th set – repeato of the 2nd set

Part 2


  • Form a single file line handing the basketballs to the first two players in the line. The first player will shoot, once they have gotten their shot off, the player behind them may shoot

  • Everybody's first shot must be taken from the free-throw line (the last round was from an NBA 3-point line)

  • If the first shooter makes a basket before the second, they hand the ball to the next person in line. Come to free throw line and do 5 Mercans (we also did 5 squats and 5 single SSH's in the later rounds)

  • If the second shooter makes a basket before the first, the first shooter is eliminated. Do a lap around the track when knocked out. The balls are then handed to the next two players in line and play resumes.

  • The game continues until all but one player has been knocked out. This one talented player is the winner!


  • Workout idea was spawned by Ozzie as a special request

  • Pax has really been enjoying these silly reindeer games as of late

  • Note that a woman carrying a baby low in the belly is a sure sign that it’s a hermaphrodite. You can also check the neck hairline of the father if there is any remaining doubt on gender. Or you can just ask the omniscient Poltergeist girl just what gender the child may be

  • Ozzie seems to be taking well to his beer apprenticeship

  • Although everybody was a winner today, a full reconciliation of the results is required for our loyal readers. Five total games of knockout were played, with Ozzie, aka “Hoop Dreams” winning two, Natty winning two and Hochuli winning one. Grip made it well known that he made the semis once. And Arizona and Tool Time took a lot of laps

  • There are three key components to Knockout: 1) shooting from teh free throw line, 2) making a layup after you miss and 3) returning the ball to the next players in line after you make your basket. Grip really struggled with this last part even in the later rounds

  • Great work and good fun gents!