Hope for Less Burpees

Event Date

Mar 20, 2017


7 pax took on burpees and/or the bible and found a little bit of hope at #TheBerean. Here is their story:


Dallas and Jolly hit the fireball loop for ~5 miles while YHC, Etch, Jimmy O, and Dingo did not play basketball and instead did a bootcamp with stations


Run the parking lot
SSH x 20 IC
IST x 10 IC
Carrot Puller x 10 IC


Rotate through stations below with the runner as the timer:

25# KB – 8 count burners
35# KB – Thrusters
1/4 turn jump squats
Hand Release Mericans
Broad jump burpees
Run the parking lot

Repeato until time is called


WWII Sit-ups x 20 OYO

Runners Stretch

LBCs x 20 IC

Recover Recover



We read through John 11 this morning and centered our discussion on hope. This was a piggyback off the sermon from Lake Forest yesterday. It was not what YHC planned but audibled last minute after yearning for more focus on the topic after church.



  • Great discussion this morning on hope and the various topics surrounding our inate fear of death and how hope breeds faith of salvation
  • Happy Birthday Etch…sorry we couldn't play bball…next time…maybe
  • Felt like an old school Berean beatdown with the stations and the MQ telling me that I went over the allotted time
  • Lots of confusion over whether to do hand release mericans or jump squats
  • Jimmy O and Etch never get enough burpees…both were itchin' to finish at that station…strong work
  • Goatbusters Bureau of Investigation busted up the joint just in time…just glad I didn't unknowingly find Auto in the alley
  • Thanks to Dingo for the opportunity to Q at #TheBerean. Thanks to the Lake Forest Men's Ministry for the EH (email headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time (yup Wednesday at Half-Life)…

Don Ho