Hope it’s not a spade

Event Date

Mar 13, 2019



A deck of cards was used to decide our fate

1-10 Spades – Burpees

1-10 Hearts – Jump Squats

1-10 Clubs – Squats IC

1-10 Diamonds – Merkins IC

Ace – Parking lot mosey

King – 5 Pull Ups

Queen – Quadrifilla up the parking lot

Jack – 10 WWI



-Little colder than expected but at least it was dry.

-Nice to see an unfamiliar face this morning. Welcome back Bertha.

-I should have shuffled the deck.

-Zippy forces the PAX to do 10 penalty burpees as I am told he was holding the flag hostage this morning. We expect you to do 10 burpees today and upload the video to slack…..

-Clark’s pullup form is on point. Makes me ashamed of mine. I will work on that.

-I think we finished with about 30 burpees in a row. WTF?