Horseshoe Honors our Local Heros

9 men bucked the fartsack to tackle the Horseshoe (even though one of them didn't know it until he showed up).  The exercises were meant to "build a burpee."  The repetitions were meant to honor our local heros.  Here is how it went down:


Warmorama run to the bottom of the lot.

SSH x15ic

Cotton Pickers x15ic

Toy Soldiers x15ic



9 Squats, run to the other side

9 Squats, 11 Plank Jumps, run to the other side

9 Squats, 11 Plank Jumps, 16 'mericans, run to the other side

9 Squats, 11 Plank Jumps, 16 'mericans, 10 Jump Squats, run to the other side

9 Squats, 11 Plank Jumps, 16 'mericans, 10 Jump Squats, 2 Burpees, run to the other side

11 Plank Jumps, 16 'mericans, 10 Jump Squats, 2 Burpees, run to the other side

16 'mericans, 10 Jump Squats, 2 Burpees, run to the other side

10 Jump Squats, 2 Burpees, run to the other side


Everyone run back to the launch pad



Mason Twist x15ic

Low Flutter x15ic

LBC x15ic

High Flutter x15ic

Jane Fonda x15ic (both sides)

Aquaman x15ic

10 Burpees



-Repetition explanation 9-11 (obvious reason), there are 16 CMPD divisions that help cover all of Mecklenburg County, 10-00 is the ten code for officer down (we weren't going to do 0 burpees, so I replaced with 2)

-Omega is fast!  He ran to the workout, and then killed the horseshoe.  And, he was the one that didn't know we were running it.  He said, "I wouldn't have run here if I knew we were doing the horseshoe."  As if that would have affected your speed at all.  Although, reading a preblast DOES affect performance…sometimes (ha ha).  I appreciate the pax plank moves when YHC was too smoked to get 2 words out of my mouth.

-Ninja Turtle and Landline are always pushing the pace.  I know they inspired me to pick it up a few times out there.

-Always good to see a couple OG's out there, Bama and Hat Trick.  I know Hat Trick joined a few weeks after Bama (the original OG), but Bama was quick to point out that Hat Trick may have the most posts of anyone in NoCo if the records were maintained accurately from day 1.  I would agree.

-Kudos to Tweeter for riding his bike to the workout without any lights or safety gear.  That takes some testosterone filled fortitude.  This, and he posted sans Goat.  Making a name for himself!

-I don't know about you, but I like the Horseshoe much better when everyone finishes together.  Especially when I'm the Q and I have to make sure no one got killed *wink