Horseshoe? No way- this is Gladiator!

Event Date

Feb 16, 2021

9 of LKN’s finer souls chose to brave the chill and potential for rain to attend this day’s #Gladiator.  Here below is but a snippet of their story.  Embellished? Who knows?  Only those who were there, and they aren’t talking.

All Pax arrived 10 minutes early in anticipation of a beating they expected to crush and which they knew they deserved.  In fact, when YHC arrived, they were just finishing 100 ‘Mericans, in cadence. An impressive beginning.
Upon giving an eloquent and long-rehearsed “Disclaimer”, we endeavored to perform the following:
One long parking lot mosey, culminating at The Block Pile where each stud grabbed 2 blocks
Circle-up and begin with the “A-la-Stapler”: 50 x Moroccan Night Club
Followed by The calf raise with 2 blocks
Shoulder shrug w/ 2 blocks
The Slow squat (no block)
SSH X 100 (OOH- some Pax gave all, some gave some, some-err not so much- enough said about that- you know who you are)
Skull Crusher?  (IDK- maybe)
200 Burpees! For real.
144 WWIIs
Recover and Farmer carry blocks
Lots of other stuff happened.  Like more ‘Mericans.  One round of ‘Merican Time Bomb (7)
One round of an improved version of the time bomb with Squats (7)
725 more burpees. (Yes 725- check the Tape!)
BTTW (no pulse)
The People’s Chair
BTTW (again)
More Farmer’s Carry.  More exercises.  More of Toxic talking.
ZERO uphill Crab walks
Much to Carpet Bagger’s dismay, we performed ZERO pull-ups.
Total Miles Running: about .25. Boom!
We did a little MARY along the way, especially as our forearms got sore toward the end.
Amen finished us with the what?  Oh yeah- The J-LO!
Thanks for posting, Gents.  Always a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men.