Horseshoe without the Horse

Event Date

Nov 16, 2020


4 men arrived on time (according to the launch times preblasted by YHC) for a Horseshoe shaped, themed and inspired workout without the horse.WARMORAMA:Run with some side shuffles and frankenstein to the movie theater. IST x10icWindmill x10icSlow Squat x10icSlow Merican x10icBig Arm CirclesTHANGRun around Birkdale stopping at every crosswalk:5 Jump Squats5 Jump Squats10 WW2 Sit Ups5 Jump Squats10 WW2 Sit Ups16 Lunges5 Jump Squats10 WW2 Sit Ups16 Lunges20 Mericans5 Jump Squats10 WW2 Sit Ups16 Lunges20 Mericans25 LBCs5 Jump Squats10 WW2 Sit Ups16 Lunges20 Mericans25 LBCs30 Balboas/Curb Kickers/Ali’s5 Jump Squats10 WW2 Sit Ups16 Lunges20 Mericans25 LBCs30 Balboas/Curb Kickers/Ali’s35 SSH10 WW2 Sit Ups16 Lunges20 Mericans25 LBCs30 Balboas35 SSH16 Lunges20 Mericans25 LBCs30 Balboas35 SSH20 Mericans25 LBCs30 Balboas35 SSH25 LBCs30 Balboas35 SSH30 Balboas35 SSH35 SSHMobility MomentReturn to Launchpad for MARYMason Twist x15icPretzel Crunch x10ic each sideHeels To Heaven x10icPlank for 1 minuteMOLESKIN-Cobains to Bouncey House for PBing a wrong launch time. His efforts to be on time did not go unnoticed.-Luckily I can be persuaded to change my workout so one leg wouldn’t be stronger than the other due to an uneven amount of Lunges. Thanks to goat for the suggestion.-Canuck guaranteed us Bagboy would be present. I guess the disappointment was double-layered.-Goat led a great discussion on The Parable of the Talents. Comment to add commentary.
