Horticulture and Kurpees

Event Date

May 01, 2020

  • Standard Warm Up stuff
  • Kettle Bell Workout Begins
  1. Monkey Humper Goblet Squats Ladder 1-10 combined with Bicep Curls Ladder 10-1
  2. U-Haul Ladder 1-10 combined with Iversons Ladder 10-1
  3. Kurpees up parking lot with 3 lunges in between each Kurpee
  4. Turkish Get-Ups with Bell X 10
  5. Russian Swings X 10
  6. Halos X10
  7. Quadrophillia with bell up parking lot.
  8. Chest Press X 20
  9. Nose/Skull Busters X 20
  10. American Hamers X 20
  11. Quadrophillia with bell up parking lot
  • A Few core exercises for MARY.  LBCs and 6" holds.  

– John 15:5, "I am the vine, you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing."

-A grape vine produces the best fruit in less than ideal soil and when pruned aggressively.  When we are "comfortable" it is easy to forget our purpose.  Remember this the next time you find yourself in less than ideal soil, or when you feel the vine dresser is pruning you, might be to help you produce better fruit.  

Thanks for your hard work today fellas. El Cap posted too, but he is not in the system yet.  I am horrible at remembering chatter.  Welcome back Boucher! Mater ran before and after the bell workout, HERCULES!, and now has a MTN Bike. Strudel was muscling his bell which must be like 50lbs, he's a beast.  

For HIS glory,

