Hose and Rubber

Event Date

Sep 03, 2022


5 then 2 then 6 then 4 arrived at the AO for various portions of the fun-apalooza.  All with intentions to build Brotherhood and to encourage one another to succeed.  This is how it all went down.

Dandelion, Retread, and Strudel joined Shirley and YHC for a standard run.  We split up about half way through with Shirley and I continuing to the clubhouse for a bouy swim.  We returned to the AO for the 7am BEATdown.  Dandy and Strudel were recovery stretching (and heading home for BRR taper) as Anvil (YES, ANVIL) and Tonka were warm up stretching for the BEATdown with Shirley and YHC.  Little bit of a clown circus but we settled in for an hour of fun.

Warm Up:
SSH, windmills, toy soldiers, dipy birds, merkins, squats

Retrieve Michelle and a block from the back to set up the Hoses and Rubber Circuit.

5 stations:
– firehose wrapped through Michelle and fashioned into a harness/belt/tug, timer, pull her up to the top line and bring her back
– 30# slamball
– dumbells 35's, 30's, 25's, and a concrete block, grabe whatever would make your mom proud
– agility ladder for user's choice of 1 foot run, 2 feet run, hopskotch, zigzag hop, feet 2in 2out, plank 2in 2out, ickey shuffle, scissors, etc
– ab mat

1 round through all the agility ladder techniques

round 1
– hose and rubber timer
– slams
– curls
– user choice
– yoga ball pass from hands to feet extension

round 2
– hose and rubber timer
– slamball squats and forward thruster throw
– squat/hammer/press
– user choice
– bennifers

round 3
– hose and rubber timer
– slamball potty shot thruster throw back
– hanging row / renegade row
– user choice
– v-crunches / WW1

Return Michelle and blocks
Quick Murph round 10/20/30
Trail mosey

Freddie's, box cutters, low dollies, 'merican hammers

reflection:  Exodus 33:18 and Exodus 34:7
Moses said, "Show me Your Glory (your character, who you are)"
The Lord passed before [Moses] and proclaimed, "The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in loe and faithfulness…"
* v8 continues with God's self-described character
* Our pastor started a new series about God's character, and pointed out something that was interesting.
* When we describe ourself, we start with the highlighted or main things first. 
* God describe his first characteristic as compassionate, so we need to understand that compassion is a key thing to master if we want to mimic God's character.

* t-claps to Anvil for being at 3 workouts in the last 6 weeks. So great to see you!  Can't wait for a future Anvil Q later this fall.
* t-claps to Shirley for sending out a call and setting up the 6am running crew
* t-claps to Tonka for convincing Anvil that Shirley and YHC really do still work out at SVU
* t-claps to ReTread for joining us and remembering why running in SVU is SO FUN, RIGHT?!?
* t-claps to Dandelion and Strudel for gracing us with their presence; GOOD LUCK AT BRR!!

Such an honor to lead today – Be compassionate guys!