Hot Child in the City at Mighty Oak !

Event Date

May 16, 2018

8 Men of F3 joined the Q even after multiple rain storms overnight.  No weather patterns were guarenteed so we got started. 

Mosey to back of school for warmup.


SSH x 25 IC, Windmill x 10 IC, Toy Soldier x 10 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, & Slow Squat x 15 IC

The Thang:

Pax instructed to grab a Rock & a Cindy Block, lets mosey back to car lot for 4 corners of pain

Corner 1 – Rocks – Curls x 10 IC, Skull Crushers x 10 IC, Goblet Alternating Front Lunge x 10 each leg

Quadrephelia to next corner

Corner 2 – Peter Parkers x 15 IC & 6 Burpees OYO

Regular run to next corner

Corner 3 – Cindy Blocks – Shoulder Press x 10 IC, Bent Over Row x 10 IC, & Goblet Squat x 10 IC

Quadrephelia to next corner

Corner 4 – Mtn Climbers x 15 IC & 6 Jump Tuck Burpees OYO

Regular run to Corner 1 & Repeato adding few higher counts

When done with Rock station, carry to next 2 corners to leave with Cindy Block

Regular run to halfway island nearest school, then lunge walk to end,

Regular run to halfway island of next row, then lunge walk with air press to end

Circle up for MARY

MARY: Pass the buck to Pax.  Counts were not remembered, just the ab pain.

YHC – Rosalita

Red Rider – LBCs

Bunyan – Perfect Pushup

Tuck – do not recall. Sorry.

Omar – V-ups

Qbert – Shoulder Touch Mericans

Roadie – do not recall. Dehydrated.

Mona Lisa – box cutter

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Roadie for allowing me to Q at Mighty Oak !  YHC had a full Wienke & only used about half.  That shows how great this AO is with many variations. 

2 – Think pax liked more of a Power beatdown than tons of running.  Good to add some power and ab work for sure.  Men were questioning their back strength about half way thru, but persevered or adjusted.

3 – Qbert grabbed the blue tooth speaker prob to drown out the pain.  Iron Maiden channel was the choice.  Ok with YHC.  Think I heard some Metal Church from 80s.  Yikes !

4 – Humidity was brutal & felt some 10 counts needed.  Breathe pax, Breathe !

Done for now !

Mayhem (in the AM)