Hot, Humid, and Hungry

Event Date

May 02, 2022

Auto was there at 0500 for a solo standard but returned with Dingo, so that was encouraging.

Warm up: SSH, IST, slippery dip can, Merkin.

Mosey to bridge for Merkins IC followed by bear crawl tunnel twice through. 

Mosey to Tee box hill for burpee/Merkin ladder 1/6, 2/5, 3/4, 4/3,5/2, 6/1

Mosey back to bridge for Carolina dry docks IC then sprint the bridge. repeato, threepeato,

Mosey back to Birkdale and get a block

-chest press x25IC

-curl x15IC

-overhead press x10IC

skull crushers x10IC

lawn mowers x10IC each arm

squat x10IC

chest press x15IC

Mary circle

Plank 1min (TF)

LBC's x15IC (Perrier)

11 hand release burpees (uncle rico)

10 Merkins IC (auto)

pretzel crunch x10IC each leg (Sac)

AMRAP pull ups (Tuffy)

Merkins 10IC TF

Recover recover

Great work from all the PAX today. Very little/no muble chatter or complaining. These guys came to work and work we did. It took 30 minutes after the workout for me to stop sweating. Brief reflection on King Solomon and his request for wisdom. If you could ask God for anything what would you request? Solomon wanted wisdom and discernment and his Kingdom and his people prospered as a result. Prayer requests for Shammy's wife and my friend Derek, both facing cancer.